Second District Candidate Discusses the Expulsion Vote of George Santos
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First, I am not a Republican. I have voted Republican in the past, but they lied to me and did not follow through on their campaign promises. I am also not a Democrat. I have voted Democrat in the past, but they lied to me and did not follow through on their campaign promises. This is why I am now an Independent, because the reality is, neither party cares about US. They only care about themselves, their own power, and the money it brings them.
[Yesterday], December 1st, 2023, the United States House of Representatives FINALLY voted to expel conman George Santos from office. This is something that should have happened before he was even sworn in, but that’s politics for you. In fact, even the vote to expel him is simply just politics.
For the last year, George Santos has been able to act as a full fledged Member of Congress, despite being a legitimate conman. Do you think that is appropriate? I sure don’t. I also don’t think it is appropriate that Senator Bob Mendez is still serving as a Senator despite selling his influence to foreign interests. However, now that George Santos has been removed by the House, can we expect the Senate to do the same with Bob Mendez? Absolutely not, and here’s why.
Removing George Santos doesn’t hurt the GOP but it does send a message to Americans that, “Congress cares about corruption and will remove corrupt members.” I certainly hope you are not foolish enough to believe this message. In reality, George Santos has already cast the votes both sides needed him to cast so they can promote their individual agendas. Now that he has no more value to either side, and now that he is simply a liability, Members of Congress have joined together in a ⅔ bipartisan vote to expel him, thus protecting the “integrity” of Congress… Yeah right.
Here’s the reality of Jared Huffman and the Democrats. They simply do not care about corruption. They simply do not care about YOU. Now to be clear, neither do the Republicans, but with the Democrats and Jared Huffman right now, their silence on Bob Mendez after voting to expel George Santos SHOULD tell you everything you need to know about them. If Huffman or Democrats actually cared about US, they would insist that Bob Mendez step down as well. If he refuses, then they need to vote him out, the same as Santos.
This will NEVER happen though because removing Mendez from the Senate would directly weaken Democrats’ majority, and they would never allow that. So, this then puts the onus on you. As a loyal Democrat, are you really going to stand there and say that it is good that George Santos has been expelled but Bob Mendez should not be held to the same standard? Are you really going to continue to support Jared Huffman and the Democrats when they allow and encourage a corrupt senator like Bob Mendez to stay, simply because his absence would weaken their political base?
What does that say about YOU as a loyal Democrat? Every American who considers themself a Democrat has rallied against Donald Trump and the GOP’s corruption. Are you now going to turn around and protect Bob Mendez and the corruption of your own party?
My friends, my neighbors, my coworkers, my fellow Americans. Grow up. Open your eyes. BOTH parties are equally corrupt. BOTH parties are actively selling US out so they can line their own pockets. NEITHER side cares about US or is advocating for US. Here is the truth, since the year 2000, Republicans have held the House, Senate, and Presidency THREE TIMES, including under Donald Trump, so where is your conservative wishlist? On the other hand, Democrats have held all three branches twice, including under Joe Biden in 2021, 2022, and 2023. So again, where is your liberal wishlist? There is zero excuse for either side to hold all three branches of Government multiple times, and then choose to not deliver for their voters.
We are not a county of Democrats and Republicans, we are a country of Americans. Right now every American is hurting. There are no discounts or protections given for being part of one party or the other. Crime and high prices affect us all the same. WE have to start working together. WE have to accept the reality that both sides have had multiple chances to fix our country and have chosen not to. WE have to accept that long standing Members of Congress like Jared Huffman have had over TEN YEARS to fix our problems and have simply chosen not to.
As we suffer, I encourage you to Google the networth of some of your Members of Congress on both sides. Look up their houses and see where they live. Look up their assets, where they vacation, what they drive and the cost of what they wear. Ask yourself why are you voting to support this election after election? Ask yourself honestly, what have they done for you?
If Trump didn’t do it in 2016, why do you think he’ll do it now?
If Biden didn’t do it in 2020, why do you think he’ll do it now?
It is time we all stop this Republican vs Democrat nonsense. It is time we all stand up as AMERICANS and say we are ready “To Eliminate Corruption in Congress.”
Thank you,
Jason Brisendine

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MenENdez!!! The Senator you are mad at is Robert (Bob is fine) Menendez. Not Mendez.
Dude. Do some research enough that you at least know how to spell the names of folks.
You will never change the rules of their game if you do not know them to begin with. You will never learn the rules of the game if you don’t read them. It doesn’t sound like you read them very deep. A spelling error. I literally couldn’t finish your letter over a spelling error. And yet, it is so very indicative of why you aren’t fit for national office. Literally though you might improve the IQ in some of our local government bodies up here.
You know the rules up here already I bet. Just stay. Let the snakes in DC eat themselves.
I feel like a character in a bad movie…
BRISELDINE!!!!! AUGH!!! Frustrating man. So much potential. Frustrating.
Kind of funny how many Americans hate Trump, he increased oil drilling ,set records on production. Which gave us cheap fuel and a great economy. Now after 3 years of ole Joe’s go green campaign ,ole Joe is opening up on drilling and get oil production where it needs to be. Fuel prices dropping accordingly, just in time for re – election . What a guy ,buried us with 17 percent inflation due to sky hill fuel prices. Thank you to all that got their feelers hurt by Trump and voted for this terrible economy. Freight company’s going out of business left and right. What a crappy Christmas those families will have because of lousy voting.
Kind of funny how you keep posting the things you imagine as if they were real:
The pandemic gave us low gas prices, not Trump. Gas prices increased 76% under during the Trump administration until the pandemic lowered demand.
US oil production has increased each of the three years Biden has been President.
And the US annual inflation rate is 3.5% (while the US economy grew at 5.2%).
Cheapest fuel I ever seen delivered in Humboldt was in 2018 , no pandemic, no excuses. Record US oil production is all, record low interest rates also. Biden has killed the hard working taxpayers, buried us with inflation, merry Christmas.
Did you move here in 2017?
Gas was much cheaper when I moved here in 2007 than it was 2016-2020.
What a weird thing to lie about
You missed a key word ” delivered” as in my own personal fuel tank. 2018 was $ 2.35 for a gallon of diesel. I didn’t get my own personal fuel tank til 2010. Diesel delivered this last September was $5.85 and a high of last August of $6.83, that number is almost 3X that of 2018 . Joe Biden accomplished that 300 percent increase in just 4 years which caused 17 percent inflation, another record. Sorry bud, no lies here , just you trying to spread false accusations.
You were getting diesel for $2.30 a gallon in 2018 too? Pretty sure the rest of us were paying around $4. No wonder you get so worked up about politics, you’ve gone through some kind of time line jump and must be super disoriented.
Some of us shop around and pay attention, while others get swindled . Sorry for your loss, if you were paying more than 2.50 a gallon in 2018 you got took.
The state wide average diesel price was between 3.50 and 4.00 per gallon in 2020. Yet you were “shop[ping] around” and “pay[ing] attention” and getting it for a dollar or more cheaper? Up in our area, which consistently has higher priced fuel than anywhere else in the state?
Incredible. Some might say, unbelievable.
What happened to 2018? You know the middle of Trumps term, figured this way you can’t say it was caused by previous president or new one coming in. The state wide average in 2018 wasn’t $3.50 to $4 bucks. 2018 mid term for Trump, record low fuel prices, record low interest rates. Read it and weep ,sometimes the truth hurts.
That’s objectively untrue. Petroleum product pricing is very closely tracked. Here’s california price data going back to 1995;
2018: monthly price low – 3.639
monthly price high – 4.086
I am not aware of any historical period where humboldt county paid lower than average fuel prices. So those prices are almost certainly lower than was available locally.
Why are you lying about this?
Your still stuck on pump pricing, delivered price. It’s alot easier to follow fuel prices when your paying closer to wholesale. You ever track rack pricing out of the bay? Maybe start there and you’ll get a better perspective before a haul company gets their lick in.
So now you’re buying it wholesale out of the bay and hauling it yourself?
Quite the yarn you’ve spun in an effort to bash old Joe. Don’t you know there’s all kinds of obvious criticisms you could own into instead of this silliness?
You haven’t been around very long or you don’t pay attention. Humboldt has a long history of burdensome fuel prices leading to at least three Grand Jury investigations.
I was paying $2.30 delivered, you apparently need to pay more attention. Getting fuel cheap in Humboldt is a chore but it can be done. Sorry you pay too much for fuel, you guys keep paying those high prices and they’ll keep taking your money, crack me up.
The last time that the statewide average price of diesel approached $2.30 was a couple months at the very start of 2016.
Were you buying whole tankers at a time?
What you looking at padd5? Crack me up. If you were having fuel delivered in 2018 or 2019 you wouldn’t be arguing. Just ask Renner or redwood coast fuels what their price was for delivered diesel in 2018 or 19. Don’t be sore just because you got hosed at the pump.
Post a picture of the receipts. You clearly have them.
It’s pretty amazing how poorly Santos behaved… And how long folks stood for it…
What’s really amazing, is how the average American appears to be about as intelligent as a sheep…
Corporations run this country, corporations and the Mafia.
We are a nation of grifters, from the person asking you for gas “so he can get home” to the dope farmers of SoHum asking to be treated fairly and left to their own inclinations vis a vis the law… Well, I recuse myself… Jeeze…
We got laws up to here, and an entire country of highly critical lawbreakers, going 95 in a 65, in their Dually…
Everyone wants to talk about how bad Biden is and how much better things were when the biggest crook-in-charge, Mr Trump, was president…
What pure poppycock, what a bunch of idiots…
It’s not bad enough that a rich man can commandeer the government of an entire country by buying it using donations from friends and public funds…
Follow the money behind the rebellious Trump, and you will find the crimes…
Just because he hasn’t been prosecuted yet does not mean he is innocent…
Trump’s a bum and a crook, mobbed up and lawless, and he isn’t “moral” enough to hold office.
Biden, on the other hand, has been fucking up the government for decades, and he still beat a sitting President!
Incredible that a corpse with a mediocre history of questionable service can walk and chew gum and sit in his Corvette, much less fly around and be the King of America…
New blood, new blood, new blood and expel all the crooks…
Or just go on the grift…
It’s the American way…
And BTW dude,
You just established yourself as a nutjob while also losing the election…
Never, ever admit, that the king has no clothes…
innocent isn’t a legal determination, not guity is. i’m fairly sure he is a dirtbag, but, innocent till proven guity right? as far as trump, i don’t care fo the man but he did promote some good policies. biden is a fool. pray for a sane third party canidate, who won’t lose.
Or be grateful for what you have,
And hope for what is to come…
I am grateful for the all I have , especially for those great family vacations during the cheap fuel days. I am fearful for what is to come for the people on set incomes,at 17 percent inflation they will not survive. Biden pulls in an extra $1,800,000,000,000.00 in taxes this year and offers zero help, greedy democrats.
“Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls.”George Carlin
Correct , but atleast Trump threw us a bone, cheap fuel. All Joe did was bury us with high fuel prices that were driven by his green fanatics. Go green , go inflation.
The high fuel prices were due in part from Covid, politics, including Trump’s April 2020 deal with Saudi Arabia and Russia to cut oil production which led to big oils astronomical profits.
Presidents get a lot of credit and blame over rising and falling gasoline prices. In reality, there’s not a lot a president can do to impact gasoline prices in the short term. Longer term, a president can pass policies that impact supply and demand in such a way that they do impact gasoline prices. But in the short term, a president has relatively few handles for influencing gasoline prices.
We, Humboldt, gets screwed whether it’s fuel, housing, groceries, vehicles, building materials, etc. I was in Redding last week fuel about a $1.30 cheaper per gallon. McGuire and Wood sit on their ass collect their checks and could care less.
NEWSWEEK – November 27, 2023: The Biden administration has outpaced the Trump administration when it comes to crude oil production, with the United States now producing more crude oil than at any other time in history at 13.2 million barrels a day, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said.
The second-highest crude-producing week in the U.S. was during the week of March 13, 2020, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, when 13.1 million barrels were produced under former President Donald Trump. When President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the U.S. was producing 11 million barrels.
The U.S. is the largest producer of crude oil in the world, followed by Russia with 9.3 million barrels per day and Saudi Arabia with 8.94 million barrels per day. The U.S. became the largest crude oil producer in the world during the Trump administration in 2018.
“Crude oil prices are the primary driver of U.S. gasoline prices, making up 55 percent of the total cost to produce a gallon of gasoline,” the EIA said in its Wednesday report.
Meanwhile, the average retail price of regular gasoline was $3.29 per gallon during the week of November 20. The highest gas prices in the country were seen on the West Coast with a gallon of regular gas averaging $4.42 per gallon, down 8 percent from the same period last year, the EIA said.
Ernie: You are always spot on, but it’s actually the corporations that own the politicians. The Supreme Court’s ruling on the Citizens United law suit changed politics. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, a controversial decision that reversed century-old campaign finance restrictions and enabled corporations and other outside groups to spend unlimited funds on elections.
Not in California. Over 5 bucks a gallon thanks to Newsom and the Democrats
Why do you say that ? Average for nation $3.25.
High fuel prices are a result of California taxes (about $1) and CARB restricting refineries and imports. (about $1).
Blame on carb all you want, California fuel been $1.50 higher for decades. Fuel average 3 bucks during Trump administration, now just 3 short years later Biden has doubled it , just plain corporate greed backed by democrats. National average was 2 bucks ,now you say 3.25 ,up 60 percent in just 3 years, greedy democrats. Extra 1.8 trillion collected last year by greedy democrats. Not one handout check from democrats, pure greed
slime on the video-zappa
“Plastic is a child of the Earth, plassssticccccc.” JC. Tulsi Gabbard for President, 2024, surfer, mom, soldier, Hawaiian resident, common sense hero.
I share your high regard of Tulsi Gabbard. She has Samoan-American ancestry and retired from the military as a Lieutenant Colonel. She Quit politics over disappointment with the political system. I don’t know how she would be as a President. But, I like her as a person of thoughtful opinion.
Why does Brisendine continue to publicly demonstrate his detachment from reality?
By September, half of Democratic Senators had already called for Menendez’s resignation and, if he does run for re-elction, he will be doing so without the support of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Huffman is also a Representative, not a Senator.
And to suggest that Democrats held both branches of Congress from 2021-2023 ignores that the filibuster rule effectively nullified their control.
Yes, we need change in Congress, but installing someone who doesn’t know their head from a hole in the ground is not the kind of change we need.
All the squad members including Huffman should be expelled, too.
Being expelled from the most corrupt, criminal enterprise in amerika by the biggest criminals in the country might be cause for concern…..or praise.