Traffic Moving Slowly After Crash North of Eureka
At least two vehicles are on the side of the road. There are also multiple emergency vehicles helping deal with the traffic collision.
Please remember that information gathered from initial reports is subject to revision as more facts become available.
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Typical, prius driver
I think you are a member of the nasty comment club. Take your BS and leave!
I saw a little car cross right in front of a semi truck with trailer at Indianola Cutoff this afternoon (in the “safety corridor”😁). Semi driver hit his brakes or that little car would have been obliterated.
Can’t wait until that underpass is built.
The underpass is a two year build.
Possibly due to someone trying to exit Jacobs from the south end, and pulling into 50 plus traffic. I have had that done to me a few times over the years, with me having to slam on the brakes or take evasive action or both, because someone thought that their vehicle was faster than it really was.
The bottom two photos sure look like they were shot from the driver’s seat. I could be wrong. Lloyd could be the passenger in a right-side-drive vehicle.