Reduced Ransom Renewed For Rylee (And Friends)

Rylee’s really ready to receive her reprieve and the reduced adoption fees at Humboldt County Animal Shelter (due to overcrowding) have been extended through 9/22.  It is now $80 for puppies/kittens under 6 months, $50 for 6 months +, and $35 for seniors (7 years +).  So, if you’ve got an itch that can only be scratched by a furry companion, now’s a great time to adopt.  This dog in particular is a real snuggler and loves to get her back scratched to a silly degree.  Rylee is 3 years old.

Call the Humboldt County Animal Shelter at 707-840-9132 to set up a meeting. If you already know what you want, you can fill out the adoption application right here: Adoption Application.



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1 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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tru matters
tru matters
1 year ago

Rescuing Rylee reaps recipient rewards.