Caltrans Begins Critical Repairs on Highway 36, Major Route in Trinity County

Press release from Caltrans District 2:

Caltrans District CTCaltrans announced today that a paving project on State Route 36 in Trinity County is underway as of Monday, June 5th. The $2.15 million project is funded by Senate Bill (SB) 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.

“This project is providing needed pavement rehabilitation on State Route 36 near Forest Glen,” said Dave Moore, Caltrans District 2 Director. “Full funding from Senate Bill 1 allows these repairs to be made quickly along the route, which is one of two primary connector routes in District 2 between the valley and the coast.”

Crews are repaving SR 36 from 1.1 miles west of the South Fork Trinity River Bridge to the South Fork Trinity River Bridge #05-0026 AND from the Upper Rattlesnake Creek Bridge #05-0073 to approximately 0.3 mile west of Trinity Pines Road. Motorists should plan for one-way traffic control with up to 15-minute delays, Monday – Friday during daytime hours. Striping and guardrail work will also be included on the project.

Motorists are reminded that the law requires them to slow down, obey temporary speed limit reductions, and drive carefully in and around construction areas. The project is anticipated to be completed by the end of July. Tullis, Inc. is the lead contractor on the project.

Construction projects are subject to changes without prior notice. To stay up to date on highway projects, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Project information can also be found on the District 2 webpage. The public can also call (530) 225-3426 during working hours or send an email to [email protected]. Updated highway conditions for California can be found on QuickMap and on One-Stop-Shop for the Western U.S.

SB 1 provides $5 billion in transportation funding annually shared equally between the state and local agencies. Road projects progress through construction phases more quickly thanks to the availability of SB 1 funds, including projects that are partially funded by SB 1. For more information about transportation projects funded by SB 1 and other funding investments, visit

Hard Copy of Project Advisory

roadway with bank sluffing

State Route 36 near Forest Glen (Trinity County)


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2 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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Chuck U
Chuck U
1 year ago

Thanks for the heads up, now we can plan for the drive to swim lessons for the kids

1 year ago

Highway 36 needs to be greatly improved from Alton and the way to Red Bluff. The road is crap and putting in some pavement is fine, but it will not do what is needed, a major repair.