Home for the Holidays Decorating Contest Winners

The City of Eureka 2nd Annual Home for the Holidays Decorating Contest

The City of Eureka 2nd Annual Home for the Holidays Decorating Contest

Press release from the City of Eureka:

The City of Eureka 2nd Annual Home for the Holidays Decorating Contest was a success. We want to thank everyone who registered for the contest and we want to congratulate the winners of this year’s contest. The City of Eureka wishes you a very happy holiday season and a happy New Year.

1st place 2726 P Street

2nd place 3815 Pennsylvania Avenue

3rd place 5937 Walnut Drive

Click below for the map of decorated homes https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1Z7LQ3GB4PLh4YzDgHg1LyPeH-F-aZyLF&usp=sharing

Additional information available on the City’s websiteThe City of Eureka 2nd Annual Home for the Holidays Decorating Contest


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2 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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3 years ago

I hope next year it will be the same type of contest except it should be called Christmas Decorating Contest. Just call me old fashion but ever sense I was a little one it was always called Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone!

Let's make next year brighter...............
Let's make next year brighter...............
3 years ago

Wouldn’t you think a community this size would have more money than $500? Like maybe $1000 for first and $500 for second than $300, $200 and $100 with lesser awards as meal certificates, raffles and lots of merchandise and free tickets to movies. $40,000 is raised for a 20 minute fireworks show in July. A decorated house we can enjoy for a week or longer. And how much do other fund raisers make for any number of causes. What I like about Christmas house decorating is anyone can win if they put in the effort. I think this project belongs to the Chamber of Commerce.