Home for the Holidays Decorating Contest Winners
Press release from the City of Eureka:
The City of Eureka 2nd Annual Home for the Holidays Decorating Contest was a success. We want to thank everyone who registered for the contest and we want to congratulate the winners of this year’s contest. The City of Eureka wishes you a very happy holiday season and a happy New Year.
1st place 2726 P Street
2nd place 3815 Pennsylvania Avenue
3rd place 5937 Walnut Drive
Click below for the map of decorated homes https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1Z7LQ3GB4PLh4YzDgHg1LyPeH-F-aZyLF&usp=sharing
Additional information available on the City’s website
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I hope next year it will be the same type of contest except it should be called Christmas Decorating Contest. Just call me old fashion but ever sense I was a little one it was always called Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone!
Wouldn’t you think a community this size would have more money than $500? Like maybe $1000 for first and $500 for second than $300, $200 and $100 with lesser awards as meal certificates, raffles and lots of merchandise and free tickets to movies. $40,000 is raised for a 20 minute fireworks show in July. A decorated house we can enjoy for a week or longer. And how much do other fund raisers make for any number of causes. What I like about Christmas house decorating is anyone can win if they put in the effort. I think this project belongs to the Chamber of Commerce.