[UPDATE 9:12 p.m.] Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Issues New Evacuation Orders for Their Residents

Mendocino County Evacuation Map 9.13 8 p.m

The Mendocino County Evacuation Map in a screengrab taken September 13 at 8 p.m. shows new evacuation areas. Red is an evacuation Order (must leave). Yellow is a warning (prepare to leave if ordered to do so).

The Mendocino County Sheriff issued new evacuation orders this evening at 8 p.m.

Press release from the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Department:

WHAT: Mendocino County, additional Evacuation Orders and Evacuation Warnings
WHEN: Effective Immediately
Areas of Mendocino County, Evacuation Order:
• ZONE- H- West of National Forest boundary, north of Thomas Creek and the Eel River, and east of Twin Bridges Creek, south of Bald Mountain
• ZONE- I- West of Elk Creek south of Deep Hole Creek, north of the National Forest Boundary
• ZONE- W- West of the Eel River, north of Deep Hole Creek, east of Eden Valley, including the entire valley floor, south of Eden Creek
Areas of Mendocino County, Evacuation Warning:
• South of the Middle Fork of the Eel River, west of Eden Creek, north of Salt Flat and east of Salt Creek, ZONE- AB
• East of Brushy Mountain, south of the fire road on Salt Flat, west of Eden Valley and north of Bald Mountain, ZONE- AC
• South and west of the Eel River, north of Foster Mountain Road, east of the ridge west of Willits Road, ZONE- AD
• North of Twin Bridges Creek, east of the Eel River, south of Brushy Creek and west of Brushy Mountain, ZONE- AE
• Private driveway near Williams Creek is closed to north bound traffic
• Bell Springs closed to north bound traffic at Lundblade Ranch Road
• Mina Road is closed to north bound traffic at the bridge over the North Fork of the Eel River
• Mendocino Pass Road closed to east bound traffic just east of the Williams Creek Bridge
• Hearst Willits Road at the bridge, closed to east bound traffic
NOTES: To support fire control operations and fire activity, the Mendocino County Sheriff in conjunction with the Unified Command Team for the August Complex -West Zone, has ordered an additional Evacuation Order and Evacuation Warning.
View the most current evacuation map at: https://tinyurl.com/MendoEvac
For more information about wildfire preparedness visit: www.readyforwildfire.org

UPDATE 9:12 p.m.: The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office tweeted, “These photos were taken earlier today 9/[1]3/2020, which shows the fire activity that triggered the expanded Evacuation are in the #AugustComplexWestZone.”

These photos were taken earlier today 9/23/2020, which shows the fire activity that triggered the expanded Evacuation are in the #AugustComplexWestZone

These photos were taken earlier today 9/[1]3/2020, which shows the fire activity that triggered the expanded Evacuation are in the #AugustComplexWestZone

These photos were taken earlier today 9/[1]3/2020, which shows the fire activity that triggered the expanded Evacuation are in the #AugustComplexWestZone

[Image from the MCSO]


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36 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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Dave Sky
Dave Sky
4 years ago

Diddy May Mau! Get moving folks! I’m hoping you’ll all be safe!♥

4 years ago

Link to evacuation map not working for me.
Maybe I erred?

4 years ago

Nice map Mendo, I guess the County Line is where your ‘no f’s given’ begin. Grow up south child, you have family that cares.
It’s really incredible how they held that fire line at the county border perfectly! smh

Early Cuyler
Early Cuyler
4 years ago
Reply to  Nimby


Its an evacuation map for MENDOCINO COUNTY not Trinity or Humboldt.


4 years ago
Reply to  Early Cuyler


Yes, it is MENDOCINO COUNTY that refuses to share information with its neighboring counties in the middle of a wildfire disaster that spans across all three counties. Mendo demanding that Humboldt remove information from its maps then not including it in their own is childish and petty. The information is supposed to help people decide when and where to evacuate to. Without the big picture it might lead someone to make a deadly mistake

4 years ago
Reply to  Nimby

Wow, bitch much? Here, I made it easy just for you for your “COUNTY AREA” ..Quit being such a crybaby https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1Y_qCH75uA9ViOP0bao2-Cv07uB3pX3XG&ll=40.16804051185702%2C-123.04249145260101&z=10

4 years ago

omg that map is so awesome, thank you!

4 years ago
Reply to  Nimby

Mendocino County officials are not deliberately withholding information that could help some save their lives, and many others make important decisions during a time of crisis. That’s a preposterous and unfounded statement. The unfortunate truth is that there is a chronic ineptitude amongst the higher ups, and they simply cannot be expected to rise to the standards we take for granted elsewhere. I like the gis program in lake county. It’s a full feature customizable map platform that lends itself well to be an invaluable tool during times like these. Images are updated hourly from satellites and people can see for themselves.
Mendocino has a peanut gallery overwhelmed with input they can’t process…. Eg. Aunt Claire would like to know if her pets are ok. But she can’t find any info because the peanut gallery wants to see proof of a fire, and send a team to verify that what once was, is no longer. Well. It’s hot in there so the team’s gonna have to wait til the flames recede to investigate. Then these peanuts gather every so often to chat and debate what info is ok to share before authorizing someone to release any information.
Lake has a map with perimeter lines and symbols with a disclaimer. Mendocinos failure to inform their constituents is incorrigible and embarrassing. Thank you firemen for all you do

4 years ago

T zone is nowhere near the described evacuation update. What am I missing ?

4 years ago

Broken link for me.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp


4 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Says “couldn’t open map”,
” you may no longer have permission to open this map”

4 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

The very first link to the map “ Mendocino County Evacuation Map” in red just below the photo at the top of the story – works for me.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Figured it out Kym. Facebook is required.
Thanks for the link.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

It worked fine for me…

Nathalie Richcreek
4 years ago

My God the fire looks angry today….here’s hoping fire fighters can get this put out before anymore structures or lives are taken….I have lived here my entire life and know Mendocino well as lived in Ukiah when a teenager and traveled back and forth to the coast during summers for cooler weather and Mendocino fun…. I am so sad we are experiencing these fires and the smoke here on the coast now for days upon days….Please rain come soon….Bless all the firefighters out there working hard in harms way…

4 years ago

There doesn’t look to be much rain making it that far south but even if there isn’t more than scattered showers this should occur……..from NWS.

“Temperatures will be significantly cooler and RH will be much higher even in areas that receive little to no rain”.

That alone will give FFs a chance to regroup and hopefully attack head on, with a good chunk of containment realized. And it’s important to make as much progress as possible during that window as this is coming…..

“Next weekend high pressure is expected to start building back into the area north to northeast winds are expected once again”.

So keep thy fingers crossed.

4 years ago


This was the most informative video! They did a great job in explaining what is happening, and what they expect to happen.

4 years ago

Thank you Kym for all your devoted work to keep up updated!! We pray for you everyday 🙂

4 years ago

Is hay fork gonna be ok?

4 years ago

Gavin Newsom who in my opinion is one of the crookedest ppl on planet earth went on t.v. yesterday saying this is proof of climate change, lol. They caught several arsonists in Oregon who set the fires there and the Covelo fire was arson and the fire up in Hoopa way was a women who was having a gender revealing party using pyrotechnics in a dry field. The fires everywhere else was lightning or arson as well. Our other problem was we have had no forest management because the liberals are not intelligent enough to know how to manage a forest properly and so it makes for hazardous and disastrous conditions. These conditions have lead to the biggest lost of wildlife, lives and property damage ever in California history. I beg all people to please study the 26,000 year sun cycle that we are currently in. The Mayans kept the calendar of this cycle and the end of the calendar was a very angry sun. Most people beLIEve this cycle began in 2012 which is not true but because of the Gregorian time keeping 2012 as we know it was not actually the proper date because the Gregorian calendar is a 12 month a year calendar when indigenous time keeping was 13 months. In Ethiopia, who have gone by the original time keeping, they are celebrating the new year of 2012 which was on Sept. 11th. Please people we have got to stop beLIEving these crooked politicians that have serious arterial motives. They want to force you into beLIEving these lies so they can sell you Climate change. Yes, the climate is changing, yes, the planet is changing but these things are NATURAL sun cycle changes people. Buying cars with Lithium batteries is far more dangerous to our planet then regular cars and it has been proven time and time again. Once Lithium is produced it is almost impossible to dispose of and completely hazardous in hundreds of ways. These people are banking on the fact that people are very uneducated and will just watch the Television PROGRAMMING to get their information instead of opening books and reading scientific facts. The truth is out there so we all have no excuses anymore for this type of ignorance. I am devastated at the unnecessary loss of our wild lands, lives, property and livelihoods as I am sure everyone is. These are very sad times we are living in and the truth is most of it is orchestrated by some very sick people who have diabolical motives and agendas. Please be safe and educate yourselves. I will be posting all the links to all I have said so people can see and learn these truths. Stay safe and PLEASE, PLEASE get educated people.


These are the links of all of the arsonists who set the fires………

I can go on and on and on with links here proving these fires are all set by arsonists and I can also spend all day posting links of the sun cycles so if this does not prove that Gavin Newsom is a lying, conniving politician then you need to have your head checked.

Don Lipmanson
Don Lipmanson
4 years ago
Reply to  Guest

You have swallowed and apparently digested a host of the right-wing conspiracy theories being generated from the White House down through Infowars. A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing in this era of social media, but fortunately most Mendo residents have the wisdom to eject your BS.

4 years ago
Reply to  Don Lipmanson

Sorry no politics for me Don. Right wing and left wing is all the same bird. Politics are for people who gave their power away to corporate interests. I just study and find the scientific proof that explains the situation. Its the logical thing to do. I am also not a fan of Alex Jones so you can make ASSumptions all day long and I will stick to the real truth that you find when you actually read and study information and use critical thinking skills. The truth has become a “conspiracy theory” for those who are too programed to find it. As for Gavin Newsom……he is bought and payed for by corrupt people so how could one beLIEve he has anyones best interests in mind. He is the one who said on t.v. “the fires are proof of climate change” when I have proven above they are mostly arson and lightning. He is obviously lying to support an agenda and if you think differently then your ok with lying, deceiving and manipulating. I, myself am not ok with it. All these liars need to be held accountable because the people are suffering and I for one am tired of seeing it.

Just Watchin'
Just Watchin'
4 years ago
Reply to  Guest

I rarely watch the MSM newtheatre, but caught the NBC piece on west coast fires with one that ended with him being interviewed and being articulate, and then his energy shifted when he went to the talking point “the fires are proof of climate change”. He went full used car salesman, in my opinion.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Sorry Kym, Not true at all tho. I have studied this intensely but nice try. Keep selling a green future and lies and I’ll stick to 2,000 yrs of native teachings and time keeping as well as scientific proven facts of the sun cycle.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Plus every single thing you ever say is just a regurgitated statement from some yo-yo liberal article. I do ALL my thinking and ALL my research myself by reading real books from real scientists and going to REAL seminars. Thanks for all pipping in with useless information tho. It says alot about who you are and what your about.

4 years ago

I guess we have smart fires now that know where borders are, lol!!

comment image

4 years ago

WOW, Thank You Guest!!! Great links and information. I am not one to ever write in but you hit the nail on the head here buddy. They have been trying to sell us these lies long enough and now look at the disaster we are in. I worked for Tesla for two yrs and you are not kidding about Lithium batteries. Those are far more dangerous to our planet then almost anything besides nuclear power. I would like to add that now with all the electrical outages and the disaster of PG&E mismanagement and the new electric charging stations going up everywhere how will the fools who own electrical cars charge them. This is a huge disaster and I also believe it is orchestrated by some obviously sick individuals. Elon Musk is about tricking ignorant people and subjecting workers to cancerous conditions by exposing them to elements such as Lithium. We need some great minds to get us out of this mess and show the people they have been bamboozled and tricked by these folks who want to sell us a “Green future”, when in reality they are the very ones doing the polluting and making fortunes off peoples ignorance. Keep posting the facts, stay safe everyone and most of all THINK, THINK, THINK and then THINK some more.