5th Annual Humboldt Cannabis Cup this Saturday

This is a press release from the Mateel Community Center:

Humboldt County Cannabis Cup and the Mateel Community Center present the 5thAnnual Humboldt County Cannabis Cup Saturday, January 4, 2020 at the Mateel, 59 Rusk Lane in Redway.  In addition to an awards program for legal cannabis farmers, the event is billed as a New Year bash and harvest celebration. Beginning at 3pm, with awards presented at 5pm,  local Rock, Funk & R&B band Object Heavy will perform to close out the festivities with a performance beginning at 6pm. Tickets are available for purchase by cash only at the door for $20, admission is $15 for seniors and veterans. All proceeds from the 5thannual Humboldt County Cannabis Cup will benefit the Mateel Community Center and will be allocated towards funds to help secure a conditional use permit that will allow for cannabis retail markets to take place onsite at the Mateel.


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4 years ago

Once again, why isn’t recreational and medical growers being aloud in?I guess if you and your select crew hold a competition then that eliminates competition.No big deal, when you exclude all the people that been doing it forever your event no longer has any merit.
Kinda like if you and your 9 buddies have a fishing derby,your All assured a top ten placing.Suddenly no one cares about your fishing derby.
Would be pretty funny to watch the legal farms loose to old time local growers with thier medical and recreational use entry’s, But that is exactly why they are being excluded.Even though the people excluded funded that building…..

4 years ago
Reply to  Whatever

My thoughts exactly.

Cannabis Is Legal
Cannabis Is Legal
4 years ago
Reply to  Whatever

Cannabis is Legal.

We the corparation,by the corporation, in corruption we stand
We the corparation,by the corporation, in corruption we stand
4 years ago

Nailing it whatever!!!! The sad and pathetic truth

4 years ago

This Abatement feast is Lame! Sucks that the Mateel chose this course of Action. There is no exuse for not having a personal or 215 category!
BOYCOTT HUMBOLDT SOURCE BRANDS . BOYCOTT THE MATEEL. Especially this community splitting event. Thanks for the FU Mateel. So great..

4 years ago
Reply to  SmallFry

The domesticated herd will always follow the feed truck.

Stay wild

Government Cheese
Government Cheese
4 years ago
Reply to  Tavistock

The domesticated herd that follows the feed truck gets slaughtered in the end……”O look, free food!”

4 years ago

which in turn, feeds another…

Margarines neighbor
Margarines neighbor
4 years ago

Yawn, more dope growers bullshit. I was hoping legalization would have been the final nail in the coffin for weed in humboldt. I suppose I will have to wait for federal approval . I relish a return to traditional farming , not this criminal dope grower nonsense.

Glow In The Dark Humdum
Glow In The Dark Humdum
4 years ago

I’m with you on that, Cheech & Chong hasn’t been funny for a very long time.

another guest in the wall
another guest in the wall
4 years ago

neither are kyds cartoons.

just fyller for an addictive mynd.

you are what you eat.

if there is a syilver lining in all thys, it would be the new farmers focusing on Organic FOOD, because we all need more organic food.

Humboldt can sustain a population over 11k, if more people committed to buying and growing local.

Stay Wyld

Canyon oak
Canyon oak
4 years ago

let’s do a joint of cannabis🌻🔥🌪🌈🕶

Willie Caos-mayham
4 years ago
Reply to  Canyon oak

🕯🌳Aren’t the emojis great. Humboldt got screwed by agreeing to GMO production products not brand.👁🗿💐

Government Cheese
Government Cheese
4 years ago

I’ll bet 100$ Donation to kym kemp’s website that ridge line farm wins again?

4 years ago

Elevate the maggots

4 years ago

Another day another dollar. I see the Humboldt name slapped on another B-grade product. I can’t hate. They’re selling pounds out the back on the black, but up front they’re selling sacks, sixty and eighth.

Still treated
Still treated
4 years ago

Humboldt brand is a wash, if mountain lions have Mercury from the fog, why wouldn’t Humboldt’s marijuana. If highschool students can find radiation from Japan’s nuclear nightmare, wouldn’t yah think all CA products are tainted with radiation.

I get my medicine only from Farmers back east. Radiation, and Mercury free.

So anyway, pray for the Pacific ocean because it is basically destroyed, as with CA.

Government Cheese
Government Cheese
4 years ago
Reply to  Still treated

California is the poster child for a socialist run country. It’s moving backwards at an accelerated rate. Free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Yep. Our taxes just went up again. Plan B. Tax of 75% + on anyone who makes over a million dollars in California. We will be nothing but a criminal run ghetto in another decade.

Willie Caos-mayham
4 years ago

🕯🌳And you think the other side won’t be sticking there hands into your pockets as well. What’s happening in Washington D.C.? War, uh, what is it good for absolutely nothing, say it again lord. 🤯🇺🇸

Government Cheese
Government Cheese
4 years ago

Washington DC. Lmfao willi. The most bleeding heart liberal state in America? Of course!

Real Brianna
Real Brianna
4 years ago

Just wait till China invades through Mexico. They already own Mexicos oil fields and run the cartels. Pretty beepin scary. Yah see China is so polluted they can’t grow squat, Mexico is hungry and wants CA back, so China says, we got you. Red Dawn is real. Pray for US and Mr T.

We need your prayers, please. If not for sure China will awake the woke, with harsh reality.

Willow Creeker
Willow Creeker
4 years ago

Bigger and better economy (2.7 billion- 5th in the world) than Texas- your gun toting oil soaked red state you seem to want here. It ain’t that bad here. Not perfect (bums, nanny state laws) but an economic powerhouse and a great place to live, in my opinion.

4 years ago
Reply to  Still treated

japans Ice wall containment system did not contain fukushima daiichi .Dilution is the solution ( Pacific Ocean ) 🤫

The real treated brian
The real treated brian
4 years ago
Reply to  🤫

Kelp no more, seals starving, urchins eating everything. “Good by cruel world, I leaving you today…”Roger Waters

4 years ago
Reply to  Still treated

Interesting note. All of California radiation government (public) detectors we turned off. (claiming electromagnetic interference) the day of and following the Fukushima incident.


This was shared at a wedding by someone who builds radiation detection equipment for one of the largest companies in California. When I asked him if there was anything to be concerned about. ..he simply said to “make sure to supplement with iodine, because it will be in everything.”


4 years ago
Reply to  Tavistock

Holy beep, nothing can save us. At least the people that hate the US, will be happy. God please save us.

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
4 years ago
Reply to  Tavistock

What’s the name of the company that your friend works for slick?

4 years ago
Reply to  Still treated

As far as I have read, the Mercury in the fog is not at High enough amounts to pose a threat to humans, the reason the Mountian lions are getting poisioned is because the Deer eat lichens, which get their nutrients exclusively from fog. The Mountian lions eat the deer and are poisoned. Doctors monitoring patients said that they had some patients with high mercury levels, and it’s most likely caused by eating fish regularly. In other words, your more likely to get High levels of Mercury from fish, than consuming plants in a coastal zone.

Not to say it’s not a concern.. it is.. but also, it seems if your far enough inland there isn’t as much Mercury in the fog. Besides, with Cannabis so highly tested in Cali, you think high levels of Mercury would be found. I would be more concerned about what fertilizers growers use, over Fukushima. Often High level phos ferts have high levels of cadmium, heavy metals, radiation.. which directly accumulate in the Trichoms..

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
4 years ago

“Still treated”, “Tavistock”, and “another guest” are all one commentor.

Name games.

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
4 years ago
Reply to  The Real Brian

@ Kym,

Please note the name game being played here.

Now he’s playing with “the real treated brian” and “the real brianna”.

Just asking you to notice it.

Watching You
Watching You
4 years ago

Despite having a seemingly strong personality, growers lack a core self. Their self-image and thinking and behavior are other-oriented in order to stabilize and validate their self-esteem and fragile, fragmented self.

The anachist culture of Southern Humboldt sentenced its community to a life without human love. They fell in love with their own reflection in pool of water and died hungering for its response. Like Is community, growers only “love” themselves as reflected in the eyes of others. It’s a common misconception that they love themselves. They may actually dislike themselves immensely. Their inflated self-flattery, perfectionism, and arrogance are merely covers for the self-loathing they don’t admit — usually even to themselves. Instead, it’s projected outward in their disdain for and criticism of others. They’re too afraid to look at themselves, because they believe the truth would be devastating. Emotionally, they may be dead inside, and hungering to be filled and validated by others. Sadly, they’re unable to appreciate the love they do get and they alienate those who give it.

They’ve created these types of “community” events as a treatment to their self enduced symptoms. When we think of growers, we usually picture someone with an inflated ego — someone bossy and arrogant, who has to be right. To be diagnosed with Grower Personality Disorder (GPD), the person must exhibit grandiosity (if only in fantasy) and lack of empathy, as exhibited by at least five of the following traits:

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance and exaggerates achievements and talents.

2. Dreams of unlimited power, success, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.

3. Believes he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions.

4. Requires excessive admiration.
Unreasonably expects special, favorable treatment or compliance with his or her wishes.

5. Exploits and takes advantage of others to achieve personal ends.
Lacks empathy for the feelings and needs of others.

6. Envies others or believes they’re envious of him or her.

7. Has arrogant behaviors or attitudes.

In addition to the grandiose “Exhibitionist Grower” described above, We’ve identified “Closet Growers” — those with a deflated, inadequate self-perception, a sense of depression and inner emptiness. (They are also referred to as “Introverted Narcissists.”) They may appear shy, humble, or anxious, because their emotional investment is in the idealized other, which is indirectly gratifying (Community Observation 1974 – 2020). “Malignant Growers” are the most pernicious and hostile type, enacting anti-social behavior. They can be cruel and vindictive when they feel threatened or don’t get what they want.

It’s hard to empathize with growers, but they didn’t choose to be that way. Their natural development was arrested, directly due to faulty, early parenting. Some believe the cause lies in extreme closeness with an indulgent mother; others attribute it to parental harshness or criticalness. But the evidence supports it was a cumulation of those behaviors contributed by radical and missguided beliefs within the community that helped shape what we see today.

We’ve observed that grower community suffers from profound alienation, emptiness, powerlessness, and lack of meaning. Beneath a narcissistic façade, they lacked the sufficient internal structures to maintain cohesiveness, stability, and a positive self-image to provide a stable identity. Growers are uncertain of the boundaries between themselves and others and vacillate between dissociated states of self-inflation and inferiority. The self, divided by shame, is made up of the superior-acting, grandiose self and the inferior, devalued self. When the devalued self is in the inferior position, shame manifests by idealizing others. When the individual is in the superior position, defending against shame, the grandiose self aligns with the inner critic and devalues others through projection. Both this devaluation and idealization are commensurate with the severity of shame and the associated depression.

This is why we see these self organized / promoting events. It’s almost as if the inmates are running the asylum.

Kym Kemp
4 years ago
Reply to  Watching You

Well… That was interesting….

For sure
For sure
4 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Watching You, I guess it takes one to know one. And, you are basically describing American Governmental mentality, not only here in beautiful Humboldt.

Government Cheese
Government Cheese
4 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Wow. At least they used periods and commas.

Jesus, Chris
Jesus, Chris
4 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

A great theory! Well researched, well applied, decently typed, and totally true!

100 points!

4 years ago
Reply to  Watching You

Inmates running the asylum?

When the community is overrun with more episodes of hard drug induced psychosis, people may be willing to sacrifice freedom for security.

CATCH AND RELEASE is a public service announcement that crime is going to increase, and force the sober folk to make some hard choices.


Government Cheese
Government Cheese
4 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Criminals have more rights than you guest. I found this out. If you go to stop someone from breaking into your car with force, you go to jail. You could than be sued and/or charged for discrimination and unlawful kidnapping (citizens arrest),mayhem, disturbing the peace or brandishing a firearm. Yes. In California criminals have more rights than you. [edit]

4 years ago

Would people actually mind if criminal thieves began disappearing?

4 years ago
Reply to  Watching You


agnes patak
agnes patak
4 years ago
Reply to  Watching You

I needed a good laugh……………

Concerned business owner and resident
Concerned business owner and resident
4 years ago
Reply to  Watching You

Fantastic metaphor from watching you. Very consistent with the community misalignment of values and overall lack of growth in every Humboldt sector.

Jesus, Chris
Jesus, Chris
4 years ago
Reply to  Watching You

Exactly what I have been saying for years. A lot of narcissists, an excuse for everything, a low startle point, ready to engage and have a meltdown in a nanosecond…

You have described a culture of effete snobs with little going on in their heads other then “don’t screw with my lifestyle, my community, my drug of choice”.

I dreamed of people picking all the pretty rocks out of the stream, putting them in plastic bags, and stashing them away, to sell “later”… Hmmmmm

Humboldt, Mendo, Trinity are the model, but California is the manifestation of pot culture run amok. When everybody is high, all the time, who will mind the government, business, medicine? Stoned people? Yikes!

The above essay comprises an accurate assessment of where you all are going, which is to ruin, along with what’s left of the Mateel!

Use your “service organization” for entertainment, for public service, for feeding the poor drug addicts that Humboldt is creating by the thousands. Use a model of service, sustainability, and sensibility, and leave the giant pot parties and the drug industry out of the system.

“Watching You” has accurately described a local and statewide form of mental health disorder, and he may have captured “Humboldt Culture” for the first time!

Good luck Mateel, good night Redway…

4 years ago

Would like to hear a response from someone with the Mateel as to if someone was allowed to enter product from their legal 6 plants or not. If not why not?

4 years ago
Reply to  shadow

Probably because anybody can say it was from “ 6 plants “ and no way to prove that isn’t the case.

4 years ago
Reply to  Me

Me…maybe that’s exactly why anyone should of been able to enter.

Government Cheese
Government Cheese
4 years ago
Reply to  Me

Because those 6 plants grown by an old school pot guru hippy will blow all the other legal weed out of the water! Legal weed doesn’t want competition. Judges are forced to pick through only a handful of legal competitors. The one with the most financial back, marketing, and “name throwing” gets the prize which elevates them to win again boosting sales and propaganda to unknowingly duped buyers. You can sell lawn clippings to a city slicker yuppie if marketed right. My organic full sun weed is all I smoke. Enjoy your flavored swag suckers!

Betty Lavender
Betty Lavender
4 years ago

So who is allowed to participate if no rec. or medical growers? Is it just the big farms?

Government Cheese
Government Cheese
4 years ago
Reply to  Betty Lavender

Yyyeeeppppp. Cookies pulls the strings. Judges are the puppets. Hey kym, make sure to post the winner so I can donate. Ty.

Billy Casomorphin
Billy Casomorphin
4 years ago

Just send in the $100, GC…

Pot farmers, dope smokers, they all are losers.

Do some Yoga, get a string of Cacoxenite beads. They will get you just as “high”.

4 years ago

This must have been so bad because there was ZERO posts about it or the winners. I think only 4 farms entered and of the 4 only 2 showed up. What happened??

Con man in SoHum
Con man in SoHum
4 years ago

The reason the Mateel had such a poor attendance and entries is because Sean devries , whose running for Supervisor , hijacked it for his own promotion of his stupid political campaign.
He has gained very little traction by way of support, most of it because he is a pos and treats women Like pos. [edit]
He had to run away from San Francisco under a cloud of embezzled funds from his dispensary, and now SoHum has been stuck with this con man for a year.
People are starting to be on to this creep, hopefully it’s not too late for the Mateel, this devries guy will destroy what’s left of the Mateel.

4 years ago

Exactly like the cup held in Eureka, Cannafest. Steve Gieder’s friend who he grows shit weed with won for a crappy OG. It’s all rigged bullshit. The grow them in a huge greenhouse under Igrow induction lighting. An unproven, crappy lighting system which is incapable of producing decent power. [Edit: if you have proof of cheating, you need to report the situation. Without proof, you can’t post it here]