[UPDATE 7:14 p.m.] Motorhome on Fire With Flames Spreading to the Hillsid

Smoke rising from a fire near Elk Ridge. [Photo by Tina Kluck]
The first report over the scanner indicates that this is a fully involved RV. The fire is now moving out from the motorhome at a slow rate of spread and is covering an approximately a 50 x 100 foot fire as of 4:35 p.m., according to the scanner.
Please remember that information gathered from initial reports is subject to revision as more facts become available.
UPDATE 4:43 p.m.: Tanker 96 is over the fire. According to the scanner, the fire is now about a tenth of an acre.

The flight path of Tanker 96 over the fire. [Screengrab from Flightradar]
UPDATE 5:20 p.m.: The AlertWildfire camera shows the smoke column is getting smaller and both Tanker 96 and Copter 102 have left the incident indicating that the fire is coming under control.

The column off smoke is much smaller than it was 45 minutes ago. [Screengrab from AlertWildfire]
UPDATE 7:14 p.m.: Thorin Rowe sent this video of a tanker dropping retardant on the fire.

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It is under control. Several neighbors heroically fought it with shovels and dirt until CalFire, Briceland Fire, and a RedwayFD water tender arrived and quickly did their magic. I watched it from two small ridges away, keeping the closest elderly neighbors appraised. Thanks to all those men who put their lungs and lives on the line for the whole neighborhood.
Motor home on fire=mobile trim shack?
This is the second time in two articles you decided drugs were a factor. In this area, in these times, I’d tend to agree.
Wow! That was a friggin awesome drop, low & sweet!
Amazing pilot!
Look like a direct hit.
Hick. I agree.
What’s up with all these fires? Used to be occasionally a crash would start a fire. Now it is common for them to catch fire.
Those pilots have guts. Moving that fast and still doing a job.
Damn fine folks
Motor home pilots?
Is that Steve Perishes Spot?
It was a real shit show from what I heard.
A real tweaker fest the Sheriff brushed off.
That is because they hate us and think it’s funny.
A bunch off assholes with warrants running into the woods.