Helicopters and Convoy in Hayfork Area

Helicopters at Hayfork Airport

Helicopters at Hayfork Airport. [Crop of a photo provided by a witness]

Three to four helicopters were at the Hayfork Airport this morning. At least one convoy of around 15 vehicles was captured on video northeast of Hayfork on Barker Valley Road. The convoy was reported to contain members of the Trinity County Sheriff’s Office, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Shasta Trinity National Forest Service.

One witness on social media described seeing the “[b]iggest helicopter I ever seen.” He also described a large military type truck at the airport.

Though most of the agencies have not responded to a request for more information, witnesses in the area believe that this is a marijuana eradication operation. We received a report that equipment is digging behind the Hayfork Dump where law enforcement has buried confiscated marijuana in the past. A water truck is reportedly also wetting down the dirt road that leads to the area.

helicopter at Hayfork airport

A slightly clearer view of one of the helicopters. [Photo cropped from a reader’s image. He described seeing two copters on the ground and one in the air. The flight crew were wearing camo.]

The video showing the convoy on Barker Valley Road is sideways and somewhat difficult to view.

UPDATE: National Guard Joins Local Agencies in Serving 15 Warrants Near Hayfork; Twenty-three Suspects Detained


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182 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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Billy Casomorphin
Billy Casomorphin
5 years ago

Cue the “Ride of the Valkyrie”!

Dun da da DA dun, da duh da DAH da…


State Of Mine
State Of Mine
5 years ago

Eurocopter Lakotas, US Army light utility helicopter, multi configurable . Go anywhere and well protected.

5 years ago
Reply to  State Of Mine
Nomadic Logger
Nomadic Logger
5 years ago

Bulgarians Don’t Surf!

5 years ago
Reply to  Nomadic Logger

Good one.

5 years ago

I wonder if they have included all of the fuel being burnt in the CEQA?

Mark Olsen
5 years ago

Somebody is having a real real real bad day1

Jeffry England
Jeffry England
5 years ago

There were at least 50 LE Vehicle’s in the DC firehall parking lot at 7:30 this morning.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jeffry England

Whats the Dc parking lot???

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago
Reply to  kelley

Douglas City Fire Department parking lot.

North west
North west
5 years ago

Of coarse. Wall Street is involved now

5 years ago
Reply to  North west

wall street ain’t in DC

5 years ago

Heard 250 cops up there it is a marijuana bust they have been busting lots of places yreka got hit with national guard the other day and so did Humboldt county it’s crazy

Festus Haggins
Festus Haggins
5 years ago

I wonder if 36 is clogged with Toyota T-100’s with canopies?

Down with gavin
Down with gavin
5 years ago

There in business for themselves now and permittees are there slaves.they want there third or they’ll wreck your life. Vote for newsom,huffman McGuire, and woods again

Life is Good
Life is Good
5 years ago

Remember all the clowns that voted for legalization thinking it was going to be a free for all? State slaves is an accurate definition.

5 years ago
Reply to  Life is Good

I’m free to grow my own now without fear of the cops. That’s an improvement for those of us that would rather grow our own than buy it.

world does not revovle around you
world does not revovle around you
5 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

You should be free to grow your own, even if your parcel size is small, and you should not be required to have it in a locked structure, and you shouldn’t be limited to six plants, and there should be a cap on outdoor farm size, and there should be permits for 300 square feet and 600 square feet and 1000 square feet that don’t cost tens of thousands to obtain, and new grows should not be restricted to prime ag soils, and past convictions should be expunged and prisoners serving time for cannabis charges should be released.

Central HumCo
5 years ago

~right up to “There should be a cap” i was going for it. skip. skip. Then the last sentence “new grows should not be restricted to prime ag soils, and past convictions should be expunged and prisoners serving time for cannabis charges should be released”, i buy.

The Founders did Not go in for licen$ing and permitting and begging a pretend external authority.

5 years ago

But then they lose the control and power they so want to ruin your life with.

5 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

You could of done that under prop 215, now counties have rights to tell you you can’t and charge you for your own medical. F*#@ prop 64.

5 years ago

Bet that was interesting to watch. When people ruin our creeks and water, the harm lasts for years – clearcut the land with no regard to the harm . . . I have problems with that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joyce

That was LOGGING that did that…for 100 years

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Doggo

WAS logging? Whatever you think WAS logging WAS – it’s much worse today. Take a little drive on 36. Before you go up the hill towards Hydesville, turn your head to the right. Come back in a few weeks and check it out again.

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

I live in logging lands, SPI owned.

It’s really not that bad.

So they cut a bundle of trees in an area and leave for 30 years after replanting.

SPI harvests 1% of their land each year. That means that years go by before I see them in the area for another patch.

Compare that to the seasonal twats who have 5 employees with 4 broken cars shopping 3 times a week driving down the dirt roads 2 times a day leaving me with 1 thing to say.

I like logging more than 99% of growers.

Seeing these rural hills covered in greenhouses and plastics is soooooo gross.

Kill the greenhouses.

5 years ago
Reply to  The Real Brian

I would actually like to see a working balance between the two. No one can really inhabit this earth without an impact. If you live in town, a logger cut down the forest for your house at some point. If you grow cannabis you have an impact, thats true as well. People need economies.. and jobs.. so where is the balance?

5 years ago
Reply to  The Real Brian

Actually TRB, I will say one thing, soo OK.. the Pines.. slightly out of bounds, and not enough buffer between grows…so I am not speaking to those means.. However, one thing I will say is that even though there has been fires in Sohum, there has not really been a HUGE catastrophic fire yet.. Probably mostly in part to the Awsome Fire Department’s, that have been extremely bad ass.. But also I would say because a lot of the Old growth has been preserved on the larger parcels with grows.. Are there problems. Yes.. But as far as Fire goes, I actual think the grows preserving the Old growth may be part of the picture… just my thoughts.. especially on the larger tracks..

environmental scientist
environmental scientist
5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

Outdoor growers have;
-diverted streams
-caused noise pollution
-habitat fragmentation
-light pollution
-a tremendous carbon foot print in the form of transported materials, clearing land, and travel to remote sites.
-used anti-coagulant rodenticides (lots of rural homeowners have as well)
-left abandoned vehicles

All that is NOTHING, a tiny fraction of the environmental harm that has been caused by legal logging. But since the land was already devastated by logging, the effects of the growers matter that much more.

Growers didn’t wipe out 97% of old growth. They did wreak our economy with greedy practices, just like the loggers.

5 years ago

Clear cutting is like Hell on Earth. DEATH TO THE CLEAR CUTTERS!

Stump focker
Stump focker
5 years ago
Reply to  Sparklemahn

EARTH FIRST! We’ll log the other planets later.

5 years ago

I, for one, believe humans are the cause of all this destruction and we should be eradicated to protect the environment.

Ullr Rover
Ullr Rover
5 years ago

State Revenue Enforcement Team.

The new mafia.

Ullr Rover
Ullr Rover
5 years ago
Reply to  Ullr Rover

If only you had been in Boston to talk sense into those “lil’ girl’s” they wouldn’t have wasted all that tea.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ullr Rover


An average local
An average local
5 years ago

Democrats- the face of new facist

5 years ago

Republicans- the face of neo nazis

5 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

Isn’t a nazi a fascist? Vote American independent

5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

You answered your own question. Of course they are. Trumpers are so braindead, and I thought the big scare for them was the dreaded SOCIALISM. You know, socialism as in bank bailouts, farmer bailouts, roads, fire and police, schools …
Trumps concentration camps at the border are a good example of the Rights fascism.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

FOCUS. It’s NOT about the “isms”. “IT” is Not lateral.

5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s the cabal at the very top that is really running things watching us all fight as their divide and conquer strategy grinds on through the ages…. in the meanwhile, the fight is real or should we all just lay down and accept the inevitable?

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

~at what point did you gather that any of my comments lean toward surrender?

5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo


tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

i think you need to go find out what the definition of socialism is. here is a hint its not infrastructure. social programs do not equal socialism.

5 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

You lost all credibility with ‘concentration camps at the border’.

5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

AGREED! Democrats are Republicans in sheep’s clothing.

5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

Always be Independent both parties are way off base but dims are way off base.

5 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

Nazis were the National Socialist Party. Does that sound very Republican. I’m not a Republican but get your history straight.

5 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure


5 years ago

They are turning to the new authoritarian left with the anti-white identity politics. I’d say both sides are authoritarian.

Life is Good
Life is Good
5 years ago

It appears Greasy Gavin’s following through on using the military or military equipment. The State will not be denied their cut.

5 years ago
Reply to  Life is Good

Their cut of what? How does the state benefit here financially? That’s what you imply when you say “their cut”. If anything there is a cost to feds, state, locals.

5 years ago
Reply to  Life is Good

Cannabis earnings missed thier forecast for the state. Colorado just passed a billion in revenue and we have a third of that. Time for the goverment to get theirs.

5 years ago
Reply to  tech

If only they weren’t soo gready..

5 years ago

A little better video would be nice, you must be scared lol.

5 years ago
Reply to  Drew

Yea theres nothing illegal about holding your camera up. Grow some balls.

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago

Is anyone else getting a laugh from the guy talking?

No context can be hilarious.

5 years ago
Reply to  The Real Brian

I do alot of indian and eastern European voices, so i laughed my a$$ off, i found this video earlier and linked it on the santa Barbara thread, but it disappeared, it was posted to youtube by Kym, so i wasn’t sure what happened. She did flip it 90 degrees which is much betta. I was at work on a different IP, so maybe it did post later.

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago
Reply to  Erik

It is there, actually I watched it there first as I was scanning that thread while Kym posted this story.

Ps thanks Kym.

5 years ago

National Guard’s been workin Siskiyou. Wonder if they’re savin Humboldt/Trinity for last. For all the spoiled ass hagglers bitchin about $1500 & $1600 lbs, get used to it for a minute. You ain’t seen nothin yet. So good to turn the tables on you cheap bastards. No, I don’t have anything for a stack.

5 years ago
Reply to  rollin

15 and 16 sure beats the 650 that it was last year.

5 years ago
Reply to  Scooter

And with all this weed being taken off the market, black market should hit 2500 a p easily!

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

The “Free Market”. You mean the “Free Market”, Lost Coast EMP.

~the free market is made of free people.

The “Black Market” – is brokering debt instruments -counterfeit currencies and “derivatives,” that cause unnecessary suffering. It has been so insurmountable that it has served to quash business and growth.

“It is a fact that no paternal government, whether ancient or modern, ever shrank from regimenting its subjects’ minds, beliefs, and opinions. If one abolishes man’s freedom to determine his own consumption, one takes all freedoms away. The naïve advocates of government interference with consumption delude themselves when they neglect what they disdainfully call the philosophical aspect of the problem. They unwittingly support the case of censorship, inquisition, religious intolerance, and the persecution of dissenters.” -Mises

5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

Scooter, EMP. I laugh every time someone tries to bluff about how there getting fresh deps at $1200 in Oregon blah, blah, blah.

well . .
well . .
5 years ago
Reply to  rollin

I moved early deps this year for $1200 locally. I know I was stunned as well. I wonder what prices will look like this fall though.

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago

It’s ok, just paint a really big “Santa Barbara “ with directional arrow on your roof!

They are just looking for directions to the big fish.

5 years ago

Prices will be above 2000 soon if they keep this up. The lack of enforcement almost destroyed the black market and this will make it boom again, if you are stealthy enough not to have your garden chopped.
The “legal” people shouldn’t be rejoicing too much, Santa Barbara is going after legal growers selling on the black market. The rest of the counties will be following suit. And I wouldn’t be surprised to see the national guard busting “legal” growers whose permits and paper work are not in order.

well . .
well . .
5 years ago
Reply to  Faro

How can anyone be “stealthy” enough outdoors? They have the eye-in-the-sky now.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  well . .

“They have the eye-in-the-sky now.”

~like EVERYTHING T.H.E.Y. do, it’s called unconstitutional;

People v. Camacho, 23 Cal.4th 824; 98 Cal.Rptr.2d 232; 3 P.3d 878 (2000): Police observation from non-public area constitutes unlawful search. The County is liable for Fourth Amendment violations, and has no immunity when its employees trespass upon areas that members of the public cannot be said to have been implicitly invited. No such implicit public invitation exists in a side yard, back yard, or neighbor’s yard for county employees or anybody else to conduct invasion of privacy and/or pre-textual search without probable cause, to inventory livestock or other property by peeking over or through fences, even chain-link fences, which are there to exclude the eyes of strangers and trespassers. (Google Earth used to spy is unconstitutional)

5 years ago
Reply to  well . .

You just need to know how they use the eye in the sky and you can beat it.

5 years ago

It is about time someone did something about all these so called hippies, cutting down trees, leveling mountians, sucking endangered creeks dry, pooring chemical fertilizers and pesticides in an unregulated manor and shitting in the woods!! Free the mountian from the pot growing Hippocrates. They didnt like the loggers cutting down trees, it is ok when the $$ line there pockets from garbage untested black market weed. We dont let oil companies pump without regulation why should cannabis be grown without regulation.. It is MEDICINE right!! it should be clean, and not grown in a manor that effects the environment! If you wanted in on legalization you should have sined up for regulation like the rest of us permit holders protecting the environment. Not spending your dirty money taking trips to Hawaii and going to Burnning Man. I live among 700 illegal grows, this mountain used to be beautiful. Now is littered with illegal grows, trash and wild dogs. No more trees, wildlife, peace or salmon runs thanks to these Hippocrates. Locals are fed up thats why we voted SAXTON for sheriff!

5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

Sounds like you live in the Pines, I have lived in the Pines 17 years and watched it go to hell

5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

How do you think Saxton is doing so far? Right around Weaverville we are developing quite the Serbian and Romanian contingent. Not sure what to make of it, most seem to be trying to play by the county’s rules so to speak, but there are some big grows right in plane sight. This is going to be an interesting summer.

Lost Croat Outburst
Lost Croat Outburst
5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

“Pot growing Hippocrates”? That’s Pretty funny. Humor is tough. Good for you.

Why is it weed drives people nuts who DON’T use it? Amazing phenomenon.

Still, the only industry actively moving topsoil back upslope. Neener, neener.

5 years ago

I use marijuana and have a state permit. Everyone should quit growing illegal or get out. You need to get off your ass and work for a living instead of destroying our environment. I hope they bust all illegal grows. GET THEM!!!! you are to dumb to know the soil you are moving upslope is also not good for the environment.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

“Everyone should quit growing illegal or get out.”

~wait, let me write that down. It’s so profound!

You were maybe one of the herd at yesterday’s phony Supe’ meeting? The place was about packed. The sheeple sat thru the 52 FIFTY-TWO! items on the last “Consent Calendar” of the fiscal year – which takes all of five minutes. “I move.” “I second.” “Vote” – unanimous (as always). Three-fourths of the FIFTY-TWO “Consent” items were for – you gueSSed it – HH$ – {drum roll, cymbals clash}. Then two-thirds of the people there got up and filed out the door – moo, moooo, mooooing all the way out. Patting one another on the back, fondling and slubbing along. “We SALUTE our four-colored commercial flag and support the status quo – we are patriots!” Stupid idiots.

5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

Consent Calendars usually mean the items on it have already been vetted publicly and those interested in municipal finance or how legislative bodies work recognize this as such. This is also how non-controversial items are dealt with. Given this has to do with money, they are plenty controversial.

5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

You must not be from around here, or from a co7nty where’s it’s actually hard to get a license from

Critical Cool
Critical Cool
5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

Were you an angel prior to your legal growing status?

5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

” I hope they bust all illegal grows.”

And I can’t wait to watch you drown in red tape. Inevitably, the whores in government will sell out to the people with the most money-the corporations you despise. Those corporations will lobby for rules that will be so expensive to comply with that you will be crushed like a cockroach. Then, inevitably, you will put the blame at the feet of those corporations rather than where it belongs, at the feet of your government who took the bribes. The irony will completely escape you that your bribe money (fees and fines), coupled with your desire to crush your black market competition, puts you in the exact same category as the corporations that you hate so much. You are hippycrits. That is why liberals suck.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

Hmmm, I wonder. I always wonder about extremely hostile reactions to anything. Same as I wonder about homophobia. And blaming the victim. You know what they say… Any chance someone may have gotten a permit illegally and might be a little defensive?

well . .
well . .
5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

I’ve never met a large outdoor grower who was anything close to a hippie. Every one I’ve met is far more of a redneck than a hippie. I know they do exists an the media loves to push the few growers using sustainable practices as if they are representative of most outdoor growers.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

I, for one, believe humans are the cause of all this destruction and we should be eradicated to protect the environment.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

Huh, you think oil companies are regulated! If that was so their would of never been a BP oil spill that wiped out the south. They make the laws and get de-regulated to do what ever they want because the have money and lobbyist. As soon the the corporate take of of the cannabis industry is done they will do the same

Honeydew Chump
Honeydew Chump
5 years ago

Love it. Looks like all those people who still thinks it’s the Wild West are getting it handed to them. Keep up the great work, together we can make California great again.

5 years ago
Reply to  Honeydew Chump

Chump? No offshore nuclear navel batteries? No comments on golden pit bulls and dented Toyota’s?

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Honeydew Chump

~no comment.

5 years ago
Reply to  Honeydew Chump


5 years ago

Anyone actually see the national guard ripping down plants? Been hearing about for quite a while from lots of folks, yet not a one has had a first nor even a second hand account

5 years ago
Reply to  T

Haven’t seen any real proof yet. I’ll see it when I believe it. I don’t think it will happen again. Pretty serious move when you sick the Nat. Guard on civilians.

Chef Jeff
Chef Jeff
5 years ago
Reply to  tech

No national guard in they convoy of about 40 rigs that passed in front of my house. Just sheriff, DFW, Waterboard, and federal leos. Having the agencies correct is very important as it is indicates what sort of violation occured

5 years ago

My opinion is this, if your doing illegal shit , stop doing illegal shit and you wont get busted. If you think that what your getting busted for shouldnt be illegal, then get off your lazy asses and go out and get those laws changed. Riding the consequence blame game isnt going to do shit.

My perspective from someone thats only been using marijuana maybe 4 years now, as a replacement to alcohol to self medicate after getting out of the Marines, legalization is nice. I dont feel like a criminal, I can just go to a store buy weed and not worried about getting robbed. Im on a tight budget between va disability and ssdi, so its nice not having to kill all my money for medicine. Hell i just the other day found out about this delivery service and literally had an ounce delivered to my door like pizza. This is the way it should be.

As someone new to this area not knowing anything about this place, hell since I wasnt even really into weed yet, I didnt even know anything about the emerald triangle, your problems here are meth. meth meth and heroin. These illegals up here arent really growing weed, there is no money in that now. They are cooking meth and heroin. The people growing illegally, well your doing illegal shit. Change they laws, or suffer the consequences of that decision. Honestly you all need to put all these energy that your wasting over a dead and gone horse, and turn it towards whats really tearing this community apart, Meth and heroin. Unite and solve these problems together for the better of this community, because divide and conquer is the oldest tactic in history. The ultra rich are using this is another way to tear us apart.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Fleetheptsd

I’d say it’s the ones screaming “ILLEGAL”, and the ones sticking to their lawful rights, that’s causing a big rift.

If at this late date you can’t decipher the difference between legal and lawful . . . i don’t know what to tell you.
Get a dictionary, circa 1828.

In the know
In the know
5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

The President of the Fish and Wildlife Commission has a conflict of interest considering he owns 2 cannabis businesses in Napa County, no wonder Fish and Wildlife are cracking down so hard on cannabis farms, it is price security for the President of the Fish and Wildlife….. law of supply and demand… why isnt anybody talking about this in the Media? How about an article Kym? HOW ABOUT ONE ARTICLE TO RAISE PUBLIC AWARENESS?

Ullr Rover
Ullr Rover
5 years ago
Reply to  In the know

I assume you are referring to the head of CDFW Charlton “Chuck” Bonham ? Do you have a reference? I quick search did not yield anything… any farms with which helps involved may be LLC’s.

Asking for a friend
Asking for a friend
5 years ago
Reply to  Fleetheptsd

So do you still feel like a criminal for traveling to foreign lands to kill people that never did anything to you?

Central HumCo
5 years ago

~we didn’t know.

America is now awake.

Ephesians 6:11-12, “Put on the whole Armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

Why does your god just kill the devil? Guess it wants the devil around for some reason.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  hmm

~i think we were miss-wired.

Why shouldn’t there be heaven on earth? Because of 1% inbred psychopaths born of evil – into it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Fleetheptsd

“If you think that what your getting busted for shouldnt be illegal, then get off your lazy asses and go out and get those laws changed.”

So you assume you are talking to extremely wealthy people. One of the most effective way to protest unjust laws is to break them, and its on of the only practically accessible ways as well.

5 years ago
Reply to  Fleetheptsd

Trust me when I say the officials creating and enforcing the laws care more about the environment than other humans. Environmental facisim is here.

Please Check One
Please Check One
5 years ago

Round Valley was all twitterpated yesterday after a rumor went the rounds to the effect that the Nat’l Guard would be coming in “Monday”. Hah! Nothingburger with cheese, double fries. Gov. said back on Feb 12th that he’d sic the Guard on three things – wildfires, drugs coming over the border, and illegal (cartel) grows in the Nat’l Forest. I’M WAITIIINNNGGG! P.S. Oh by the way Fleetheptsd, if you think the illegals up here aren’t growing weed, I really don’t know what to tell you. Drive around greater Covelo for an hour or two, or maybe fifteen minutes, they are making deals with people, trading meth and cash for the use of their land. The devil’s bargain, and it’s fucking EVERYWHERE. And nobody’s cooking meth, maybe someone just keeping their hand in for personal use; the vast majority is coming over the border. That’s a fact, Jack.

Just a guy
Just a guy
5 years ago

Well, its been 15-20 years since the Days of Hardcore CAMP. Operation GreenSweep and real CAMP raids where they were flying three choppers, usually a Bubble, Bell Jet, and a Huey right out of Vietnam. I have been wondering how the green rushers are going to handle it. How the community responds, is there unity around here anymore. My mountain is already back down to the original 80’s survivors and the ones who came in the nineties. The road is quiet and we reminisce that is is back to the good ole days, apparently that will include 4+ choppers flying out of the vista point. I sort of miss it, although I have PTSD from it. Though I feel sorry for the real families caught in the crossfire.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Just a guy

~ahh, a positive note. Thank you, Just a guy.

5 years ago
Reply to  Just a guy

im Sure you didn’t pay a half million dollars for you property with a hard money loan either.

Down with gavin
Down with gavin
5 years ago

Democrats the new fascist, Republicans the neo nazis.about the truth bolth statements !!!! Vote indapendant vote bernie.tax the 1 % filthy rich that have 88% of the nation’s wealth and mega corporations. Higher wages and more benefits for the working class.he wants to tax rich intitled theives like gavin Newsom !!!! The 2 party system isn’t working for the majority of the people think outside the box people don’t keep smashing your skull against the same brick wall

5 years ago

You want free stuff. Go get a job and work for your money Instead of trying to let Bernie give it to you

Down with gavin
Down with gavin
5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

I work 7 days a week I’m just smart enough to see that the USA doesn’t belong to the people anymore it belongs to the super rich,the corparations,the lobbyist for those corporations the politicians that are selling out me and you too those corporations. If you were smart you’d see it too

Central HumCo
5 years ago

~pretty sure most of us in here can see it. Now, if we’d take responsibility for supporting “IT”, and STOP supporting “IT”, we’d be putting the horse before the cart.

5 years ago


5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

Socialism is giving up all your freedoms and rights for free government Cheese! Bernie is pro socialism and always has been.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

~if you’re going to use “ism”, use the right one – corporatism. D.O.A.

Nah, go for Technocracy.

5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

What would you call Trump, besides criminal ?

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

~more criminal than previous Administrations? Don’t kid yourself. Only the names change.

We get in-your-face claims;

George H.W. Bush once said: “If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.”

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

snopes. Your fave.

“We get in-your-face claims;”

~do you notice the word ‘claims’?

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

~the word ‘claim’, in this instance, means claimed to have said.

Let it go.

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

Dont worry!

I’m not going to do what everyone thinks I’m going to do!


HumCo, its important to be accurate. You’d be better off go for it.

Have a good day.

5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

If we know you pass half truths and lies some of the time, how can we trust what you say the rest of the time.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

For Conservatives that website is foxFAKEnews.com

5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

Well said Sunset/1

Down with gavin
Down with gavin
5 years ago

End corparate campaign contributions let’s take our liberty/country back vote for Bernie!!!!

Central HumCo
5 years ago

~there’s no one “Out there” who gives a shite. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” <<<accept it and quit waving your ____ for something that doesn't exist.

“Mirrors on the ceiling. The pink champagne on ice. And she said – We are all just prisoners here of our own device.” –Eagles.

5 years ago

The guy who says “If you were smart you’d see that too” believes that handing more power to the government is the definition of liberty. You are an idiot! Politicians are getting rich taking bribes from corporations. It’s called corporatism and is akin to fascism, socialism, communism. Giving politicians more power will make THEM richer and YOU poorer. That is the lesson of history over thousands of years that liberals ignore at their own peril, and unfortunately mine. The founders, 200 YEARS AGO!!!!! recognized this and gave us a republic with small government and it worked. As they predicted, that wealth brought along with it parasites (politicians) who promised to steal from the productive and give to other parasites (Bernie voters). And slowly we decline into tyranny. That is why liberals suck.

Yeah, sure
Yeah, sure
5 years ago
Reply to  rollin

I quit reading at “what liberals ignore” . You revealed yourself…

5 years ago

Remember folks. Germany was a socialist state when hitler was put into office. He promised his people better lives and free stuff while putting it on the Jews (the rich) to Fullfill his promise to the people. A starving mass will do anything for free government cheese. Once you cross that path you are owned by the very entity that says is “saving” you. You will even watch your own neighbor be condemned to death because they have more than you. Nothing is free and socialism does not work on a large scale, never has.

Yeah, sure
Yeah, sure
5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

They were the Weimar Republic before Hitler. Seriously, read some history or watch AHCH channel on DirecTV. They cover the whole Hitler/Germany/WWll ad nauseum.

5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s the cabal at the very top that is really running things watching us all fight as their divide and conquer strategy grinds on through the ages…. in the meanwhile, the fight is real or should we all just lay down and accept the inevitable?

5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

Another thing you fail to mention- The Great Crash is why Germany was in dire straights, NOT SOCIALISM. You are going out of your way to push your Socialism theories and it sounds kinda like you have a Trump agenda… 🤔

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

Hitler was an anti-communist conservative. The NAZI regime was not a socialist endeavour. The extermination of Jews and others had nothing to do with socialism.

Here are Hitler’s words from a 1923 interview with George Sylvester Viereck:

“Why,” I asked Hitler, “do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party programme is the very antithesis of that commonly accredited to socialism?” – George Viereck

“I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.” -Hitler

“When I take charge of Germany, I shall end tribute abroad and Bolshevism at home.” – Hitler

Our socialism is national. – Hitler

Please Check One
Please Check One
5 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

Yeah Sure- you need to brush up on your history. The world-wide Great Crash was not the reason Germany was in dire straits. The Versailles Treaty and the Reparations Triangle at the close of WWI, which was the main source of Germany’s particular crash, all but guaranteed that a future war was inevitable. The National Socialist Party – Nationalsocialismus (Nazism) took advantage of the bleak economic landscape to further their agenda. Interesting that “the environment” was one of their earliest causes. Seems to me I’ve heard this song before. Yes indeed.
And please, please, please, show me one, just one country where Socialism has actually worked. All of the Nordic countries have made it clear that they have a market economy. The Danish PM, speaking at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in 2015, begged to set the record straight. Market economy. Margaret Thatcher said it so well – “Socialism works until you run out of other people’s money”.
As for the post-legalization pot industry – all I can say is, you voted to allow a bureaucracy that was trillions of dollars in debt into your business. You knew it was a snake when you picked it up. At least, you should have known.

5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

Actually, the reason why I think this is Socialism, and displays the worst attributes of what Socialism could become, is because this is using “public” resources to maintain “private” markets, thus not allowing the flow of the free markets, there for consolidating the cash in the governments pockets, in this case, Gavin Newsom And His Grow Inc. who has funded his campaign. It actually rings to the tone more of fascist communism, of which everything belongs to the government, and the gov. Knows what’s best for you.. and the market. What is the real “public” good they are willing to using a military convoy to raid its citizens over? What exactly are they gunning to protect here? A few plastic hoops in someone’s yard? Really..

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  SmallFry

“The Counties” will soon find out that they were bribed by U.S. Inc., to agree to join this type of evil world group when they took free militarized equipment in return for their “legal” signed fealty.

5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

Lost Coast we must have read the same history books Hitler was a Liberal Progressive in the beginning then after they disarmed the masses things changed rapidly. Geez wonder why liberals want to take our guns away?

5 years ago

Flow canna is funded by phillip Morris…(Marlboro) …

Flow Kana Black Market
Flow Kana Black Market
5 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Flow Kana is having their farmers buy pounds on the black market and then sends their delivery vans to the “legal farm” where the “legal farmer” sells the cannabis he bought on the black market to flow kana. Flow Kana knows that the “legal farmer” bought the cannabis…. this is why prices are so high right now, white market processing companies are purchasing from black market farms…. this along with abatements is pushing the cost of cannabis way up, in fact all the processimg companies who make conscentrates are runnimg at 25 percent capacity because they can not find enough trim or flowers to process in 400lb at a time extractors….. legal companies like flow kana bhying black market weed and paying high prices along with “mass biomass extractors” mean that there is barely enough cannabis to find to roll a joint, think about it, this is the first time there are multiple companoes capable of extracting 400 to 5000 pounds per day….. there os no white or black market when licensed operators are working both markets with no chance of going to jail, investigate Flow Kana immediately…..

5 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

I have proof of a large conglomerate purchasing product related to corporations but it is not Kana Flow. Kana flow is moving non member goods but they can take the plausible denial stance since it is the grower presenting the goods to them and this is the case for a few of our local legal farms as well. Kana Flow is minor compared to this other group who want 3 tons of material a month. We told them no but someone I know is providing them a half ton a month at this very moment.

Small fish
Small fish
5 years ago
Reply to  Legallettuce

I was approached by a company looking for 5000# per month of biomass, I’ll go back and look for the email.

Small fish
Small fish
5 years ago
Reply to  Small fish

I found the email asking for 3000#. The 5000# order must have been the other company I spoke with over the phone. I only produce about 100# of trim per year.

Central HumCo
5 years ago

~must be the reason my CBD oil is “Delayed” in USPS. What does this mean? It’s always been in my mailbox in three days from ordering. Ordered late Friday the 14th. Shipped from -somewhere around San Diego- Monday the 17th .. . idk

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

~made it today. Yahoo.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

I do not have physical evidence but heard from an extremely reliable source whom out of respect for their career I promised to keep anonymous……I’m sure the evidence is there if someone were to dig and follow the money….do you think that they will make any profit selling expensive 1/8’s at real goods?!?….

Many people have told about this flowcanna situation but from one particular source I now believe it undoubtedly

5 years ago
Reply to  Yep

No it’s not

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago

Heads up Trinity.

Many many official vehicles still parked at Douglas City.

Likely going to be here thru the week.

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

You know I would, but I only made phone calls to people who could tell me the scene, so far.

I’ll have time later today or tomorrow morning to try and gather something for you that is worth more.

5 years ago

More LEO coming into hayfork this morning. Spotted on Hayfork summit headed this way!!

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Sunset

LEO – Legal Enforcement Officers. Just what we need, incompetent fact witnesses. Group think, hive mind, collectives who haven’t ever read the Law of the LAND.

~hold on tight, Hayfork.

automatic conciousless slave
automatic conciousless slave
5 years ago

The grossly self interested go after the grossly self interested. Enjoy.

5 years ago

Doesn’t look like weed’s legal to me! Almost like the good ol’ day, except now a lot of people are broke & Redway is a ghost town. AND we pay ALOT more to grow it. 🤦‍♂️ smh!

5 years ago

Wow… there hasn’t been this level of enforcement since CAMP days.. legalization has made us all feel soo..safe and cuddly. I am just going to have out with this, a big reason why they are there is because of EPIC and Natalynne DeLapp.. People who said THEY represent the new face of Cannabis.. and also mostly work for interests of Big Legal Growers who are bent they have compitition. And essentially..Pay to pollute..No doubt though, what was happening in the Pines was definitely destructive. I sincerely hope the Original Families there will be ok.. not ALL people who do “not” have a permit are bad people. This is such a conveluted green wash. I have always supported EPIC.. they were always happy to take the hill farms money.. Now they found a bigger cow to milk, and another enemy to profit off of Potraying.. They are also responsible for encouraging such a huge price in the permitting fees in Humboldt which has also been a burden.. I have always supported thier organization.. but what I am seeing here, I beilive they are loosing thier integrity, and I am speaking to those means.. To also say there is not a problem, in in thePines would also be blind.. to be fair..

5 years ago
Reply to  SmallFry

CAMP 2.0…..I always loved and supported EPIC from Sally Bell Grove days up through Headwaters and Hurwitz battles. (Yes I also like my logger neighbors but we did run out of primal forest for the critters to survive and so we needed to preserve it). Lost my feel for EPIC about when Natalynne showed up and started her high-class EPIC benefits for the special rich elite growers. Saw the organization then go completely silent over mega-grows on private land- which were at that time MORE destructive than most logging shows. Have not been able to get my confidence back in them…Natalynne helped push the horrific “legalization” agenda and has gone on to represent those wealthy mega-growers in their permitting and marketing bullshit. The day she steps up for small environmentally-conscious yet unpermitted family scenes I will rethink but I don’t ever see that happening. Like Reggae vibes and most of SoHum and NoHum the desire to live “lifestyles of the rich and famous” has eclipsed our original hippie vision to “live simply so others may simply live”. And covering it in environmentalist or liberal bullshit just makes it more distasteful.

5 years ago
Reply to  Farce

Great comment.

5 years ago
Reply to  Farce

Definitely Farce, hit the nail on the Head, and what I am seeing from Natalynne, she needs to step down from the Humboldt Cannabis Growers association. She hasn’t been a good bet in my eyes for or Original or the legal farms of the county in many ways either. The organization has thrown many of them under the buss to make the county a lot of money to be able to foot these corporate military raids….They did go silent on the mega grows, and I wonder because the Organization is inherently connected to them, and essentially paying EPIC a lot of $$$ make somebody out to be the “bad guy”.. Unfortunately it was the small mom and pop type growers that had essentially funded EPIC through many of thier battles.. an organization like that.. is not to be trusted in my eyes..

Central HumCo
5 years ago

ALERT: Militias Rise! Vow To Fight Oregon Democrats ‘At Any Cost,’ Gov. Calls Police To Arms
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxuNxtMDSNg June 24, 2019

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

F those extremists, and f those who promote them.

I bet your 2 comments away from something about civil war.

Calm down. Hit your bongos.

5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

Thanks for the link

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Oregonian

u b welcome.

“Real change won’t happen unless the people use the power of their numbers to force it. The people won’t do this as long as they’re propagandized against it by the plutocratic media. The propaganda machine is the central obstacle to real change. That should be our focus.” –Caitlin Johnstone


5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

Actually that is really messed up they the Democrats are calling the cops! I mean, sure fine those fuckers for not showing up to do the job they where elected to do. What if Trump would have called the popo on Hillary? Demo’s would be outraged. Climate change is important. But calling the popo for no vote is outrageous.

well . .
well . .
5 years ago


Central HumCo
5 years ago
5 years ago

Is there any activity in the pines I’ve been waiting for this to happen it seems like that place got way too out of control

5 years ago

Let the Masticators run wild!!!

5 years ago


Big Bang
5 years ago

Pro pot says ” Bastards are raping my livlihood”. Anti pot says ” Go get ’em boys”. Meanwhile, both ends are being used and beaten like a rented mule, can’t make this shit up, I am fucking loving, and I mean fucking loving watching this eat itself from the inside…

Sid Vicious
Sid Vicious
5 years ago

With all due respect, sir, /ma’am, I don’t know if their is an original thought to be had. Given the fact that there is new technology, most of us are the old ,dressed as the new.

Fue Yang
Fue Yang
5 years ago

I need Donald Trump to bust all these black markets marijuana. Now no ones wants to go to work, no ones wants to grow vegetables. Stop these corruption.

5 years ago
Reply to  Fue Yang

I know funny and that’s funny

In the know
In the know
5 years ago

The President of the Fish and Wildlife Commission has a conflict of interest considering he owns 2 cannabis businesses in Napa County, no wonder Fish and Wildlife are cracking down so hard on cannabis farms, it is price security for the President of the Fish and Wildlife….. law of supply and demand… why isnt anybody talking about this in the Media? How about an article Kym? HOW ABOUT ONE ARTICLE TO RAISE PUBLIC AWARENESS?

In my 1911 I trust
In my 1911 I trust
5 years ago
Reply to  In the know

Because Kym is unfortunately on their side.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Oh boy.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

That maybe a tough story, Maybe it would be a good story for the North Coast Journal? If they would do it? . Can’t take everything on sometimes. It would be a good article though..

In my 1911 I trust
In my 1911 I trust
5 years ago

People are going to start to snap. There are serious rumblings in the hills. Tension is high.

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
5 years ago

What the F are you talking about?

Things are awesome.

Maybe you just need some CalMag…

Release the tension, bring the green back.