Homeless Students at HSU Featured in News Story That Has Over 4 Million Views

An online news service called Now This garnered over four million views in less than a day after posting a video Sunday about homeless college students. The story centers around two Humboldt State students currently on campus.

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5 years ago

Starting tomorrow I’ll be homeless and running a business. I work 3 jobs but my disabilities cause extra expenses and difficulties. Lots of hard-working people live on the streets, I never panhandle and I contribute more to this planet then most. So a special fuck you to trump, stop trying to keep people escaping violence out of our country and put that money into getting hard-working Americans off the street.

I like stars
I like stars
5 years ago
Reply to  Phoenix

Illegal immigration depresses wages. Stopping illegal immigration would help the working homeless (and those not working but willing and able).

5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

I like stars, you got that right. I am sick of the illegal immigration problem in this country. We need to step up our ability to stop the illegal border crossings with a complete border wall and more police to cover the whole area. Arrest the ones they find on our side, and haul them back over the border.

5 years ago
Reply to  Martin

750,000 illegals crossed the southern Mexico border this year! What’s in it for 2019? In a country of 300,000,000 that’s close too 2.5% of the total population every year. Close the fuking borders and start helping your own countrymen and women, unless you just thinks it’s “cool” to say otherwise as you sit in line at Starbucks to order you double de caf sprinkle latte in your Prius listening to democracy now!

5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

You talking to me jacka**?

Magda Mendoza
Magda Mendoza
5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

What’s your source? I think your number is super inflated.

Make America Grateful Again
Make America Grateful Again
5 years ago
Reply to  LostCoastEMP

“Give me your tired, your poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free”

Get rid of you idiots who have no clue what it is to be an American, no clue what it means to work for a living. You all sound like a bunch of sniveling little bitches. Whats wrong, you cant get a job ?You sound like a grade school dropout. And you think someone owes you a handout because of your pale skin and soft hands? You are NOT true Americans, and you deserve every bit of your shameful wretched life you have created for your selves. Show some self respect for christs sake, and learn how to fight for what you want in this world. It is all there right in front of you, always has been. Your jealousy and shame stems from seeing others arriving here and achieving the American dream right in front of you through hard work. Your shame is well-deserved my friends. They are the TRUE Americans, learning to stand on their own and deserving the respect of our forefathers. While you are still crawling on your hands and knees and whining about a lack of walls being the reason you cannot achieve
in life. YOU are a disgrace to everything this nation was built on, you are a disgrace to all those who came before you, you are a disgrace upon yourself.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago

no one is complaining about LEGAL immigration

“The New Colossus” is a sonnet that American poet Emma Lazarus wrote in 1883 to raise money for the construction of a pedestal for the Statue of Liberty.

Davey Jones
Davey Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  Martin

Yes unless you are First Nation tribes you’ve been illegally migrating to our country for a long time now especially if you are from the white privileged European and Spaniard fuctard hater people’s go away we do not want you here anymore go build your wall in Israel or somewhere in Europe you could rebuild the Berlin Wall I have some crumbling pieces somewhere from when it was torn down the last time you and your idiot commander and chief go fix your world by separating it into fragments we do not want you to do it here any more in our tribal Nation you been destroying are habitat for long enough

5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

Thank you for emphasising the importance of controlling a border. Maybe First (really Second) immigrants should spent more time worrying about holding on to what they took than feeling guilty about keeping others from doing the same thing.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

instead of all of us leaving (which you cannot control) how about you solve your own problems by moving to one of those european countries without a wall and tons of immigrants destroying the system

5 years ago
Reply to  tax payer

Maybe all the xenophobic conservatives should go to the Libertarian Capitalist paradise of Somalia, where taxes are minimal, government is practically non-existant, assault rifles are cheap and everybody has that olde time fundamentalist religion!

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

your suggestion makes as much sense as this

5 years ago
Reply to  tax payer


tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  tax payer

yeah since it went right over your head


Davey Jones
Davey Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  tax payer

Know my true intentions are to bring people together and stop the Environmental destruction unless people can see themselves sometimes it’s hard to see others the global systems are broken already it is not the fault of the people that are migrating
I really like Joe Dirt comment
The way of Peace in a time of War on nature and Humanity
And the comment below is Way Cool to
A lot of our problems are because of the industrial complex and the War Machine and bankers all mixed together with big oil the problems are not coming from the bottom up they’re coming from the top down thanks again Kim for the great website an awesome stories from you and your little family of writers

Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt
5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

The new environmental justice league the ghost dancer moves in the spirit world born of the prayers from the Native American Church symbiosis a mix of Tank Girl and Wonder Woman Origins kmud news the atomic Road captain a mix of Road Warriors and Crocodile Dundee a badass that can take on almost any situation born out of the Bushman aboriginals
Irish Aquila a water spirit that can take all forms of water Origins from the Greek gods Neptune and Aphrodite
Baby Godzilla Spawn from trinoble and Fukushima inbreeding can Spitfire not your average trailer park dude as the battle for nature goes on these forces will come against corporate greed in the Amazon in the Redwood Forest in Canada Russia China and anywhere there is Corporate destruction of nature

Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt
5 years ago
Reply to  Joe Dirt

Not to mention rapture the black belt trained in ninja tactics known to take down corporations with one stroke of her pin works at the Daily Planet under the pseudonym little Polly Ann red-headed girl born in Humboldt County Nevada in the Silver Mines trained with Lone Ranger

5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

well israels walls seem to work pretty good. and first nations ? thats canadian speak native americians have been proven to not be the og habitants of north america as well. however since we have boarders and nations we need to enforce them. btw your leader anti worth a crap but he has nice hair ……

5 years ago
Reply to  Antichrist

that’s funny. the Israelis are using that wall to keep the Palestinians out of guess-who’s land…that’s right, the Palestinians’.
the Jewish went straight from being the persecuted to becoming the persecutors.

walls are bad.

5 years ago
Reply to  Antichrist

Yes Israeli walls work rather well just like the NAZI walls that surrounded the ghettos in Europe in 1939!

5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

I’m half Mexican. I was born in America. I do not support trump. I do however think we need use our resources to take care of the American people . It makes me sad when a Spanish speaking person try’s to speak to me in Spanish, and looks at me like I’m the a##hole because I don’t understand them. This is America and we speak English. I think Mexico should start fixing up their country, and get the economy in check so they don’t want to cross the border. We have enough starving Americans that we need to take care of.

5 years ago
Reply to  Merica


5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

“natives” also immigrated to the new world. And you fought each other for territory. Why was it wrong for us to play too? Just because you lost?

5 years ago
Reply to  Martin

Illeagal immigration is good for the industry because of cheap labor. The US industry is in a bad condition due to corruption, rich getting richer ( money gets conglomerated and “stolen” from the so called “free market” instead of invested and given back to the market to work with), trade wars and a lack of innovation. Nobody needs walls that’s so backwards. Men made problems are global and caused by the richest nations. Distribution of wealth is the key and more equality. Otherwise people go down and culture follows as you can see it in the US. What’s up with the rock & roll free spirit? Bars and Clubs have to close after 2 am, what’s that and last option strip club? What a poor culture.
Have you been to Mexico recently? People are more friendly (maybe not to gringos, you know why cause of your arrogance) and more happy nearly no homeless. The food is great and more healthy. Their is culture and it is not everything about getting money. Never trust a stranger and things Iike that. What people need is an intact nature and community, more equality instead of super rich and boring souls. This is where culture starts and blooms as people are free to be creative and develop their self but not in the way of getting rich through money. Instead getting rich of love, friendship, sharing and helpfulness. We should try new ways of living, instead of going the old paths, which lead us, where we are now. In a sad, bored and desilusionate society. Killing each other and destroying the environment we live in. I hope more people will be educated and wise enough one day to understand. What it is really worth living for.

Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt
5 years ago
Reply to  Growyoown

A lot of The Growing Hope is on the seventh generation who is coming up those ones that are going to school right now the ones who are mostly going to be affected by the war on the environment and its people the Greta thornburg’s! And many more Alot of the scientist right now could only tell us what is happening and most likely where we are going unless we take care of things but it is the Seventh Generation that needs to put a stop to the environmental degradation put a stop to the war machine don’t get me wrong we have tried some of us that is the new thinking and knew time with renewed Vigor they will overcome the challenges and barriers and walls and metal slats and fences that separate us To Build A Better Tomorrow it is coming and will be here soon enough

5 years ago
Reply to  Martin

All we really have to do is go after the people who employe illgal immigrats. Like sun valley floral. The owners of that business have to be some of the most immoral people in our county, taking advantage of the labor of illegal immigrants in order to generate more profit. Absolutely disgusting! They should serve prison time.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  hmm

i agree but at least they provide the basics like bathrooms and a “fair” wage. who we should go after is big farmers who dont provide a bathroom then we get e coli in our lettuce and they pay them less than minimum wage.

5 years ago
Reply to  tax payer

We should go after both. We don’t have a lot of factory farms here but we do have sun valley. Think globally, a t locally.

local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  hmm

and just think Lane was the Chair of the Humboldt Republican Party. FYI, he pays everyone (GED, Non-GED, legal, illegal) all the same when starting out. its called minimum wage. he even took out and paid taxes and SSI on all illegals.

5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

Well that’s nice fantasy. The truth is that an employer does not have to withhold for income tax, state or federal, if the worker files a W4 saying he has enough exemptions. So wjphike they may Then- “Under President Obama’s executive action, an illegal immigrant can: (1) get a Social Security number; (2) claim the Earned Income Tax Credit for the three open tax years; and (3) IRS sends three years of tax refunds. No matter that you never paid taxes, never filed a return, worked off the books, etc. The IRS says this is the way the Earned Income Tax Credit works. ” ( https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2015/05/12/dear-hillary-do-illegal-immigrants-pay-more-taxes-or-get-bigger-refunds/#7497d1583cc1 ) Also gets “reported” may have little bearing on the actual pay was. Nor is it certain that any inconvenient rules about Fair Labor Standards were ever followed. Certainly claims for benefits by the workers, whether they paid in or not, were never paid out, which saves the employer a lot of money. Who knows. It’s not exactly reported accurately, is it.

As to Social Security, many do return to Mexico and never collect a dime. But many people who stay and later gain legal status have their records reconstructed, get benefits under those earnings even if neither they or the employer ever paid any money into Social Security. It’s done with little or no evidence. Survivors can receive money the same way. Without a single dime ever being sent to the government.

The owner of Sun Valley knew the social security numbers he was using were false. He knew for years, was asked to fix the issue for years and just ignored those requests. I wonder what happened to anyone unfortunate enough to have a jobvrelated injury because they certainly were never compensated under Worker’s Compensation without a valid social security number. Kept his rates low though.

local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Sun Valley was raided by ICE during the Bush Administration and it was found that he was paying all applicable taxes and SSI to the numbers provided. sure he probably knew but he wasn’t charged with any crime. most locals that get hired there don’t last very long. most just long enough to buy meth and lose their job for not showing up for work.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Those social security numbers that are being used are stolen. It’s called identity theft. It’s happened to my wife twice because of legal immigrants use the her social security number and it is a huge pain in the ass.

local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

who’s going to pick the broccoli in towns like Newman, CA. Newman is 61.5% Hispanic for a reason. maybe you should investigate what that reason is. this problem of little people that feel they have been forgotten is a worldwide delusional concept. Just like in France, Greece, Ireland, England, etc. the problem is the uneducated locals don’t want to actually work, they just want to complain, bully and destroy the economy with their delusions.

5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

I agree with the last statement but not on who is the the delusional destructive. Almost any job will have takers if the wage is high enough. And the wage being high enough comes from employers not having an endless supply of people willing to work for cheap. Working citizens simply do not have the endless time to be all pissy and whiny that non working citizens do. Nor is it good for any citizenry to think of themselves as too good to be tending to their own wants.

5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

I agree with the last statement but not on who is the the delusional destructive. Almost any job will have takers if the wage is high enough. And the wage being high enough comes from employers not having an endless supply of people willing to work for cheap. Working citizens simply do not have the endless time to be all pissy and whiny that non working citizens do. Nor is it good for any citizenry to think of themselves as too good to be tending to their own wants.

I like stars
I like stars
5 years ago
Reply to  Guest


If broccoli picking paid a fair wage there would be legal workers to do it.

The current system of exploitation of illegals is more beneficial to the fat cats than slavery was. It used to surprise me when people stood up in favor of it. Then I realized they don’t care about people. They just want cheap broccoli.

local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

a fair wage to be a laborer picking a vegetable or a flower on a farm is minimum wage, which is what is currently paid. it is a job any non high school graduate can do. anything higher would be a subsidy. hopefully the US doesn’t go down that road, it has been devastating for Greece.

I like stars
I like stars
5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

A fair wage should be determined by the labor market, not set at some arbitrary minimum by default.

If no one will pick broccoli for minimum wage, farmers either need to pay more, pick it themselves, or leave it unpicked.

A ready supply of illegal workers allows the farmers to cheat the system (and all legal workers). This is how illegal immigration depresses wages. Many people don’t care because they like cheap broccoli.

local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

a fair wage is set by the effort and skill level required to complete the job. and demand. there will always be a work visas to fill it if no one in this Country wants it. end of story.

5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

Wages are set by the need of the employer to find workers. If illegal workers can be hired at low wages, then that is what the wage will be. Even the Federal government has its own way of paying wages for the same job depending on the prevailing wage in different places. There are jobs no one wants. That is why the average salary for a garbage collector in Oakland Ca is over $61,000. The good pay makes people interested.

In don’t think anyone who actually worked could think that effort has anything to do with wages paid. Nor skill that much. In some areas, teachers are both highly skilled and not very well paid. Nursing custodial care or care of the disabled can be very hard and singularly underpaid.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

farmers are greedy. the wage of the worker is the difference in the income of the farmer not the price of the broccoli

local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  tax payer

farmers barely make a living and are subsidized by the government so they stay in business so we don’t go hungry. delusionism is the problem.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

that is what they want you to believe. just go meet some farmers and im not talking about anyone with a farm smaller than one square mile. they are very rich and they do take advantage of taxpayers and subsidies. they drive the newest biggest king ranch ford truck every year and they buy new tractors almost every year that are subsidiesd by taxpayers and they will ruin or let rot all their crops or products if they dont get the price they want. ever noticed fields of tomatoes that are just sitting there rotting? ever seen them dump milk in the gutter because they werent happy with the price? well i have

5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

no farmers are paid not to grow crops. why do you think corperations are buying up farms left and right ? and visas are not skilled labor not unskilles labor. illegal workers steal from the legal works table from their children and their futures. that is a fact.

5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

Talk about delusional. I spent the first half of my life working for a multi-millionaire farmers in Central valley, all of them rich because of farm subsidies.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

wow your info is false on soo many levels

local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  tax payer

sorry, Newman is 61.6% Hispanic but that was in 2016.

5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

This is an article about students at HSU who don’t have a place to live, not the ethnicity of the residents in Newman, CA.

5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

A common and utterly stupid position. “Who’s going to do the work that the immigrants do if we don’t let them come into the country illegally”?

Legal citizens thats who. Sure no one wants to work those jobs and guess why. Because the compensation and conditions are abhorrent and they are that way because illegal immigrant labor is available!

The most common reply to this logic is that food would cost more we had to pay people a fair wage and processing it. well food make us a little more but there’s another option here, the multi-millionaire farmers who employ these illegal immigrants might just have to make a tiny bit less profit.

I like stars
I like stars
5 years ago
Reply to  hmm


local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

“The U.S. government presently pays about $25 billion in cash annually to farmers and owners of farmland. ”
raising the cost of produce is a great idea. too bad trump’s trade war just increased that above cited subsidy of 25 to 40 Billion in 2019. so much winning. 2018 was a horrible year.

5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

the reason we fund farmers is to keep the markets steady. supply and demand . if farmers were allowed ti farm as much as they want there would not be a market for all the was grown. wheat,corn, soybeans even rice. we could flood the national and international markets and start huge trade wars. thus are the reason we subadise farming by paying farmers not to produce. here let me break it done humboldt style. lets just say that cannibus became legal all over the world. third world countries would flood our markets huge container ships stacking up in the ports filled with flower and every product that can be made from it. humboldt farmers and any in america for that matter would no longer be able to farm for a profit. Farms would go vacant feral. so to keep that from happening the goverment would step in and set the prices for canibus. import taxes applied so that our farmers could be avle to have a place in the market. in exchange for those taxes the goverment would agree that we as a country would only place a certain amount on the market. in order for that to happen canibus farmers would then be paid by the goverment not to grow more than a certain amount .

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Antichrist

“the reason we fund farmers is to keep the markets steady.”

Not in a republic. Congress is delegated 19 enumerated powers. Public Private Partnerships isn’t one of them. Gubbernut interference kills the free market – we have evidence of this all around us.

Economic depressions cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body – the producers and consumers themselves. – Hoover.

The free market stops wars. The free market is made of free people.

5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

Uh, a lack of a decent minimum wage depresses wages. Yet the same right that decries illegal immigration for supposed wage depression always favors getting rid of the minimum wage and never supports raising it. So forgive me if I think that objection is less than genuine…

5 years ago
Reply to  Daws

And they destroy unions, insuring that management controls labor. Don’t blame illegal immigrants, blame the people that hire them.

5 years ago
Reply to  Phoenix

Then I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that this country spends over 300 billion dollars a year providing Social Services to legal and illegal immigrants. Studies show that immigrants of all statue use Social Services on a higher percentage than native-born Americans for the first three generations. I think most people that voted for Trump would agree, we should be spending our resources to help Americans get back on their feet and get homes and education instead of refugees or illegal immigrants from other countries, the majority of which are coming here for nothing more than money and Economic Opportunity. That’s what improved border security (the wall) is all about. Stopping people from other countries from coming here illegally and using our social services that they have not paid into.





5 years ago
Reply to  THC

Illegal immigrants pay taxes, too, and are MUCH less likely to use social services.

The statistics you provided concern legal immigrants. That should only bother you if you’re easily bothered by people’s race.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

i got some ocean front property for you in Utah

Davey Jones
Davey Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  tax payer

You’re Trump Administration just sold most of it at auction for pennies on the dollar to fracking oil companies his Good Buddies that gave him donations to get him elected oh and he also own stock in them

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

September 22, 2017

Epic Failure
Fracking is financially ruinous. Nobody has made any money from selling fracking oil; it’s too expensive.

Davey Jones
Davey Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

Well you should probably explain that to the stupid mother frackers who just bought huge tracts of land in Utah 150000 Acres which includes parts of Bear’s ears Glen Canyon Canyon of the ancients part of the national parks and National monuments it was auctioned off the beginning of December to Donald Trump’s Buddies not very many news agencies carried it ring of fire on YouTube Eco watch on the internet the big Pipelines are designed to carry fracked oil from the United States Alberta tar Sands to the refineries in the Gulf in Louisiana and Texas mostly to be sold out of the country

5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

the tar sands in alberta is one of the best ways to stop enviroment damage. those tar sands leach into rivers which go i to oceans long before we ever jad a need for fossil fuels. the trouble is oil jas to be over 70 usd a barrel for it to used to create a profit. you have large corperations up there providing true wealth creating jobs the average tar sand worker makes around 200k canadian a year plus retirement etc. all the while cleaning up what is basicly the largest source of oil entering the global waterways. yes they strip mine to do it. yes it doesnt looks pretty,but also they are strickly monitored and must return the mines to as close to how they were before mining minues the tar sands as can be done today with the tech avabile. No i am not quoting anyone i jave been there,worked there, floated the ab river upstream from any mines and took 3 days to scrub the raw tare from my legs and have seen restored areas and areas in the process,so i am pretry sure i have a better than average understanding about them.
And yes the pipeline are to bring it to the us, so that oil and our oild can be blended to a point we can export our oil on the world market. as currently crude oil from tje us can not be exported in its natural state based upon us laws

Davey Jones
Davey Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

good for the environme good for the economy and when it leaks it will be good for everyone Downriver the refineries can just suck it out down in Louisiana as planned a win win win win situation

Davey Jones
Davey Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

Now can I interest you in a nuclear power plant good clean energy

5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

funny but pipelines are safer than transporting crude anyother way. as for your comment about nuclar power, you might want to research a bit about that. seems most leading enviromentalist are supporting nuclar now as the only way to truely provide the power the world will need. however they are supporting a thuorim method as well as liquid salt reactors that seal themselves with anyleak as the salt had to be heated to extream temps in order for it to change states to liquid so if or when a leak occures the temp change causes the salt to change states back to a solid there by sealing any leak.

Davey Jones
Davey Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  Davey Jones

Just the process of turning the tar Sands into something that you could move is a mess and then you’re going to put this highly abrasive material into a pipeline and send it thousands of miles down to the Gulf for processing which is also not good and then after it is processed ship it overseas to use as fuel is that good for the environment

the mining of uranium has been polluting rivers and people Downstream Peabody mining
And that’s just the beginning nuclear meltdown Chernobyl the whole area will not be good for anything to live in for many lifetimes Fukushima has been downplayed because you cannot get people away from it the island is too small Look Away nothing to see here both of these incidents have polluted people all over the world that’s good and clean
Taxpayer has something to sell us it’s called extortion

5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

They pay taxes via identity theft.

5 years ago
Reply to  THC


Did you actually read those links, or just copy them? Here’s part of what the politifact link says; simplified, it says the $300 billion figure is pulled out of Trump’s orange ass:

Donehower gave us three caveats to the White House’s message:

The government runs on a deficit, so on average, taxpayers, including the native-born, benefit more than they pay in taxes. While members of the first, second, and third generations on average all cost more than they pay, we are all pushing a substantial amount of debt onto future generations — and immigrants and their descendants will also be “on the hook” for that debt.

Some costs won’t go away even if immigrants do. If all of the first-generation immigrants suddenly left the country, the government wouldn’t immediately have its expense burden reduced by $279 billion. Calculations in the study included defense costs and interest on the existing public debt, which would not go down without the 55.5 million immigrants. If those costs were excluded, the total fiscal burden for the first generation and dependents would go down to $43 billion, and the per capita burden would be more for the native-born population than for the first-generation immigrants.

The overall effect of immigration on economic growth was positive. Whatever costs immigrants might present now will be “paid back” by overall economic growth that will lead to more tax revenue on average for the government and less demand for need-based benefit programs. “The $279 billion calculation does not include any estimate of this effect and so is an upper bound on total fiscal impact,” Donehower said.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

funny, expecting wall supporters to actually research and read. Silly, truth hurts!

5 years ago
Reply to  Phoenix

Never panhandle on the street but demand that everyone’s taxes go to support you? So it’s wrong to ask for money but fine to extort? But if you give specifics, it might be possible to solve your impending homelessness issue. Which is certainly not due to Trump spending money on a wall that has not had a dime of funding. “I like stars” is right. Maybe the blame lies with what exists rather than what doesn’t.

John Mayson
John Mayson
5 years ago
Reply to  Phoenix

I’m sure you contribute more to this plant than most 👎

5 years ago

It all comes down to choices. With any choice there are consequences

5 years ago
Reply to  Dede

Indeed. And the choice of this nation to allow an entire generation to shoulder more debt than *mortgages* to obtain an education that leaves them tied up in unforgivable loans of unprecedented size, in a capitalist economy that requires constant growth, is going to yield very grave consequences.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  Hubertus

degrees are losing their value everyday. look Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has an economics degree, what does that say about college? people can just pay someone to get a degree online too. colleges are killing themselves, they are more or less campuses to teach communism

5 years ago

I was homeless so I bought land, I lived on my property until the county kicked me off of it. I was 22 years old.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lost

Why dont all homeless just buy land like you? You should go tell them, they probably havnt thought of that yet

5 years ago

Phoenix, I’m so sorry about your suffering. I hope things ease upfor you in the new year.

Davey Jones
Davey Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  Z

The spirit of the Phoenix is to embrace the emotional heartbreak of humanity that is the reason why there tears can heal the darkest of diseases and why they have to be consumed by fire to be reborn

5 years ago

I used to hire students from HSU to help me with odd jobs. The University had lists of students with expected wages and type of work they would do.

But, if you notice, this story goes on and on and on about how to get support without working a lick. How about taking on summer jobs and saving while in high school? Or doing many used to do- packing an ungodly number of students into apartments or housing? Or going to school where you already have housing? Could it be that government has created these issues by flooding the labor market with low wage immigrant workers so that what used to be student jobs ceased to exist? By making loans seem so easy? By regulating housing out of reach? By the universities recruiting students without having the infrastructure to support them?

Rule of Law not Leftists
Rule of Law not Leftists
5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

You must be a baby boomer. Summer jobs? Shit, you obviously are not aware of the low wages and high costs of living, and have been buffered from the 2008 economic crash cause you got yours in the suburbs. Fyi, it ain’t government regulating housing out of reach, it’s quite the opposite, it’s sheer greed by people who got theirs and we’re given theirs by policies that helped them get ahead and then get rid of those protections for everybody else. Government doesn’t regulate the price of houses except for not changing code to allow for new development, cuz it’s based upon what baby boomers desire for suburbs, which there’s not enough land for anymore, and protect the high the price of property instead of stimulating development. Worst these same baby boomers with their property and houses always show up at government meetings with their not in my backyard attitude about affordable housing and new development or jobs. So you want to blame housing on someone blame it on your generation’s greed and warmongering while not looking out for the best interests of the country. Now we got a bunch of radical leftists who expect free rides and overwhelm us with illegal immigrants depress wages and decrease available housing. And like there’s any real representation in the state except for the single party of neoliberalism.

5 years ago

If you had built any housing recently, you would know about the almost endless lists of building standards , inspections, mandated reports, permit fees and limits, etc just to get started. Then you would also know about the costs of materials, including sales taxes, that the government regulations impact. And utilities access which they also control. Everything from rehabbing to new construction is made harder and much more costly.

Having never been greedy or inclined to accumulate money,I may miss out on that effect on housing. I know that my glimpses of Arcata’s wealth has come from seeing the the housing along the various entrances to the Arcata Forest. By the size and obvious expensiveness of those, I can see that you might have some point about greed. Not about the age of the accumulating because those houses seem to be inhabited by younger people.

What I have now was the result of working my way up from a mini house in the city to a place in the country. It was endless spending hours of time off work fixing the fairly derelict places I could afford to get what I wanted in the end. Somehow that doesn’t impress me as greedy nor do I see that the same path is not still open to almost anyone.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

They’re is NO way to work a summer job and pay tuition. If I was making an EXTRA $8,400 I would not need to go to college to find a job with better wages.
I don’t think you understand how high tuition is …

5 years ago
Reply to  Vicki

than maybe the colleges need to charge less. funny thing about colleges they have the hofhest inflation rates, and they dont have to provide anysort of anything other than a peice of paper for that. look to all the colleges and tech schools that have folded once they were investagted. but hey when you can take classes on the beatles or tupuc then i guess you are getting your monies worth……..

5 years ago
Reply to  Vicki

well said.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Look, this isn’t hard, Guest.

People still do all of those things. It isn’t always enough anymore, *that’s* the problem. Those jobs are still filled by students. The vast majority of students I’ve met work through the semester, over summer (though these are sometimes unpaidand required for career advancement), or both. Most of your clerks are students.

The issue is not that students aren’t working. It’s simply that the cost of school has astronomically skyrocketed since whenever you were in school (even if you’re a Gen-X’er). It’s not hard, this is basic bookkeeping: if expenses go way up, and wages/income do not, you’re going to end up in a worse condition. And neither of those facts are questioned.

Additionally, if you’re not concerned simply as a citizen that we now have more debt (and future buying power) tied up in student loans, unforgivable but with zero collateral, than mortgage debt – in a capitalist economy that requires constant growth to not be in recession, definitionally – buddy, you’re taking your eye off the ball.

5 years ago

judging from the rhetoric, I’m almost afraid to say how bad I feel for these students
and I impressed by their tenacity and drive to succeed. When did houseless students become an immigration issue? I wonder what the president and other upper echelon employees at HSU make in an average year..

Eat the Rich
Eat the Rich
5 years ago
Reply to  wantstoknow

The President of HSU makes over $600,000 a year.

5 years ago
Reply to  Eat the Rich

No she doesn’t. The head of the whole system doesn’t make that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

It isn’t unusual to include benefits into overall incomes for high-paying positions – they can sometimes hold more money than the actualsalary.

5 years ago
Reply to  Eat the Rich
tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

$487,000 i like to count the benefits because those are things they dont have to pay income tax on. so if they just paid her the full amount of the benefits then she would have to pay income tax on that amount and then buy the benefits out of her pocket (they would probably cost more too), so in other words she pays less taxes with getting the benefits from work. nice

5 years ago
Reply to  tax payer

But don’t most HSU employees get medical, pension and other miscellaneous benefits too? Somehow I don’t think the president gets better health insurance but I don’t know.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

what. i am not saying she gets better health care than anybody else on the policy. what i am saying is insurance companies give better deals to companies that have more people on the same policy. so if i went and bought insurance for just me one person it would cost10 dollars but if i bought insurance for 100 people it would cost $5,000 dollars as opposed to $10,000 if bought individually

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

She gets a housing allowance and a car allowance. She gets more in a housing that I make in a year

well . . .
well . . .
5 years ago
Reply to  Eat the Rich

And a PhD biology professor makes 60-70k. After years of education and years of working to get tenured.

5 years ago
Reply to  wantstoknow

Immigrants are a convienent excuse for the failings of regressive, racist politicians and thier sycophants. Not just racism, but pure stupidity. We have had negative immigration from Mexico since the Obama admin.


5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

Jackasselopterus is a typical liberal. Make an irrelevant statement. Back it up with a dated study that admits the information contained within is sparse. Then call people racists with ZERO evidence. Rinse and repeat.

Anti troll league
Anti troll league
5 years ago
Reply to  rollin

Name calling is not a civil tactic even if used against a specialist in it.

5 years ago

That time I said your buddy HumCo was talking out of his ass, because he was? Does that really count as name calling? The fellow has a making-things-up problem.

Anti troll league
Anti troll league
5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

But you make up things (calling someone my buddy or even futher stretches of reality) and I don’t make it personal. I just point out what’s wrong and leave it.

5 years ago

You did not point out what I did wrong. What you did do was come to this guys defence twice so far. And he’s pretty indefensible.

Anti troll league
Anti troll league
5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

If you want to argue a point, fine. Personally I’m rarely sure what Central HumCo’s point is except that she objects to every government or even vaguely organized entity doing anything ever. To me they are irrational ideas and I don’t go there. At least she mostly tries to explain and I have no problem with that.

But, if you do want to respond, there is a difference between saying the commenter is wrong and calling them insulting names. The first might lead to either party changing their opinion and might increase understanding. The second only leads to hurt, anger and resistance. There is much too much of that going on at levels that where at least people ought to pretend to civility just to accomplish something. It drives everyone further and further into extremes and even violence.

5 years ago
Reply to  rollin
I like stars
I like stars
5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

Are all illegal immigrants from Mexico?

5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

There’s a substantial number of illegal immigrants from Central America China, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

But it’s very hard to pin down anything on illegal immigrants because they are by nature not countable. Jaekelopterus’s link has stats, despite his allegation, mostly before Trump was elected.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

oh they are countable to an extent. in fact california has more congressmen because of the illegal aliens being counted

5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

Your link is exactly the point that should be made but not the point of your comment. Of course Mexican citizens left when the jobs dried up during the last big recession. Mexico is much cheaper to live in than the US. No job, why stay? But it did not stay there. The places that almost failed due to this mass exodus have repopulate with the rise in the job market.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

There wasn’t a ressession during the Obama admin. You’re thinking of 2009.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

Obama was President starting in 2009. So yes you are right. I’m thinking of 2009. It technically ended in mid 2009, when the drop in GDP stopped going down but actually the negative effects lasted a number of years. The recession started started in 2007 but don’t you remember Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009? The massive spending bill? The Frank- Dodd Bill? Jobs did not recover until 2014 and even then wages were essentially frozen until 2017.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

And immigration into the US continued to drop the whole time.


5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

I never said that wasn’t true. I don’t know it’s wrong or right because the Obama Adminstration made a point of changing definitions, stopping reporting or counting so no one knows what is going on. For the same reason, you can’t know what the stats you cite mean either. There has certainly be an increase in local foreign citizen arrests. That tells against your assumptions applying currently.

It was clear by the deterioration in cities where there was a large concentration of immigrants from Mexico that many left when the jobs dried up in the recession. That such places have recovered in the last three years or so indicates that they have returned. Therefore stats from the period of job losses does not mean illegal immigration is on a downwards trend. To tell that, stats from last year (Happy New Year) and the year before would be needed. And my local experience makes me think otherwise.

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

nice some good ole estimated “facts”

5 years ago
Reply to  wantstoknow

No one who spends their time worrying about what others have is likely to ever to spend time doing what they can for themselves. Most comments are not a criticism of indivdual students, some indeed showing great determination, but of a system that fosters dependency that created the world they inhabit. It comes of relying- either by force or by training- on government. The government will always suppress the individual to focus on the mass. It is never as good for the competent as the incompetent.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guedt

The “competent” have roads to drive around on and safety standards on their cars and food. I’d say the government benefits me WAAAY more than it does the homeless. The benefits and security garentees the government gives the rich and super-rich are unmatched in history.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

Those things fall on the homeless and sheltered alike. And 99% of growth in the wealth gap took place prior to Trump getting elected. It escalated under Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama. Most steeply under Clinton and Obama I think.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

The divergence started in the early 80’s with Reagan, with the beginning of the beginning of the neoliberal era. It’s plotted a steady path since then.


5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

and yet you failed to point out that the roads have bridges which many like to live under thus providing the homeless with a place to sleep

Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt
5 years ago
Reply to  wantstoknow

The Seventh Generation are learning to stand up a planet in crisis education is one of the keys clean air clean water and a healthy environment to live in is priceless and should be given to those who strive to make it better bringing people together to a higher understanding

The way of peace in a time of War on nature and Humanity

tax payer
tax payer
5 years ago

well it sure is a good thing that arcata in all its wisdom shot down all that student housing because they didnt have any plans for small family housing in it. dumb

local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  tax payer

the real reason is related to another developer that has plans for apartments on Eye Street and already owns most of the off-campus apartments.

5 years ago

Maybe if HSU had kept their word and not increased the number of students while supplying no new housing there wouldnt be homeless students.
Or fixed up the delapidated dorms they closed.

Sorry but i found that article written by students pretty biased as they never brought these issues up.
When i started hsu in 90’s, one of the main draws was that they said they wouldnt increase student numbers.
Then they did.
The blame falls on the school and administration, not our responsibilty to provide housing for students, its theirs.
And maybe if more students were respectful of the homes they rent, more folks would rent to them. Most i know wont because the deposit never covers the damage.

Where were those issues discussed in the student article???? Nowhere. Too busy pointing blame at everyone else. Why are the new rentals near campus just built only one bedrooms for high rent???? They couldnt build a few 3 bedroom units???
Im.sick of hearing how its our problem because we actually live here, stop putting it on the community and start putting it on the school and csu system.

And i agree with last commenter, i worked a job while attending hsu at a local biz who helped arrange my schedule so i could leave for a class. There are lots of jobs on campus and lots of local folks looking for help with basic projects.
Sorry to this generation that somewhere along the line you got the idea we all owe you something just cuz youre alive. We dont. Get it thru your heads and get a job or youll never make it in real world post college.

The local kids i know who go to hsu are so grateful to get to go to college, and many of them had to look for housing too. My friends daughter found an inexpensive rental, you may have to share a room or have multiple roomies but its do-able.

Im so disappointed with the journalism dept for releasing such a non inclusive article. Makes me think twice about my alumni donation this year.

And fyi the main reason arcata shot down that new project is it was going to be built and managed by a company out of LA which means that local money doesnt stay local nor would it have created jobs for locals. Plus would you really want to rent from a management company that has no local office? They teach sustainable economics all about keeping local money swirling locally at hsu but i guess the admin cant be bothered.

Maybe you can also understand why they wanted family housing if you actually live here and want families to be here. If not pls consider moving somewhere else. If students cant afford housing they sure arent dropping money in town much and thats the main reason arcata tolerates hsu.

HSU does not get to use our tax money and services carte blanche. They wanted more students, they can take care of them. They broke their agreement with the city.

Old Humboldt
Old Humboldt
5 years ago
Reply to  Enuf

I had a different take than you. I saw positive and upbeat students doing whatever they can to save some nickles and dimes and earning useful degrees. They don’t seem to mind too much over their conditions as much as being young and resourceful and adventurous, making their lifestyle and education work in their favor and on a budget. I like what they’re doing. They’re not suffering, going hungry, or failing. Youthfulness allows for inventiveness.

I’ve been where these students have been. Was it a struggle? Yes, in parts, and parts of it were also fun. It was sort of like camping but with warm and dry buildings nearby, hot showers, plenty of coffee, and a tolerant culture being around. And us students usually shared with another, banding together.

The greater part was succeeding through the adversity, saving the money, getting the degree and job afterwards. I wouldn’t be where I’m at now if it wasn’t for that then, and boy, do I appreciate it. I spent four years at HSU, earned two degrees, paid for it myself on a similar ‘budget’ plan these students had. My only debt was $2,000 in student loans. I paid it back after two months on the job.

So yeah, my heart goes out to the students in the video and I also say, make it the best opportunity that you possibly can.

5 years ago
Reply to  Old Humboldt

Thank you for saying that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Old Humboldt

Spot on!!

5 years ago

While college students are feeling the pain of economics, like the working class is, somewhere in a dark backroom, so are the ‘bad guys’.
All of us have wished to become millionaires so we never have to stress over money, and so we can help out our family and friends. Even the bad guys.
Some of the ‘bad guys’ actually became millionaires through their pillaging and plundering, only to discover that now they need $5million for that $35k shack on the beach.
We’re all in the same shoes.
Eventually we’ll get so sick and tired of it and truly unite to stop it.
That would take a leap of faith.
We’re all on the same page about the corruption ruining our lives.
It’s the conclusions of who the corrupt ones are that disunite us.
Dropping our conclusions and really working together to research would lead us to discoveries that would solve the big disunited conundrum.
Or not.
Happy New Year.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  shak

”Unite to Stop the Machine
Leap of Faith”

When the truth is suppressed countries die

Sticking to the existing self-destructing based system is unrealistic.

“Torchbearers for justice, for healing and for unconditional love, it is time to pass through the flames together: the garden of the future we have longed for now draws near.” James O’Dea

“My God! How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy.” Thomas Jefferson

It was repeatedly said that the Constitution was written for a moral and righteous people and wholly inadequate for any other. The original laws of this nation have not changed.

It appears the people do not even understand the nature of those who seek to control the minds, hearts, and very spirit of mankind. Do you guys really think The State of CA. slash,The County of slash, the City of ______ gives two shits about what you think is or is not “money” . . .Gold, silver, or dog shit: whatever form this thing called “money” takes, it is just another form of control.

The people with their devotion to this archaic dark-age thought must go: burned out of the hearts and minds of the people: Armageddon of the mind to free the heart and soul of mankind so mankind can finally become what mankind ought to be: Common law sees done what ought to be done.

Let the bankers, politicians, and jellyfish have their precious “money:” in whatever form they choose, for no matter what form money takes, no matter what characteristic it assumes, it is and always will be based upon the labors and productions of the people: their fruit.

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors. -1 Peter 1:18

It is the ignorance of the people and their inability or unwillingness to think critically which enslaves them to these bullshit notions of control: binding their minds, spirit, and hearts to living in Scare City: fearing to stand up and embrace the light from within for they keep looking without for their salvation.

We have an opportunity to do something truly amazing: show the rest of mankind a world without the chains of scarcity, which is all this money bullshit talk does: put a yoke around the neck of mankind and keep him limited in both his existence and spirit.

~the big disunited conundrum =^.^=

5 years ago

Boo Fuc&ig Hoo!

Hard work will be rewarded. Those who CHOOSE to live in cars to avoid debt will reap the rewards later.

Stop trying to place blame on immigration, white people, how much money other people make, Obama or Trump.

Put your head down, work hard, and opportunity will come. If you’re not ready when the opportunity presents itself it’s your fault no one else’s.

5 years ago
Reply to  AMERICA

not sure what white people ha e to do with your comment. that is good advice for all and not all illegals are non white, infact many are white.

Jonny Boy
5 years ago

I used to support the democratic party, until they made the decision to make the worsen the quality of life of existing American citizens, by taking away jobs that were at one time available to local people and college students.
It’s a lie that immigrants take jobs that white people don’t want.
And it isn’t just a few it’s at least 500 possibly as many as 1000, locally.
The Bulb Farm, The Canneries, The Forest Svc Nursery, Tree Planting… All were reasonably good paying seasonal employment available to local people.
Not any more

5 years ago
Reply to  Jonny Boy

What are you talking about? Lots of local people work at the bulb farm and and the cannery downtown. Many of the immigrants become locals. The fucking bulb farm is owned by a local republican, for Christ’s sake.

Jonny Boy
5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

That’s the whole point.
Immigrants becoming locals by taking jobs that used to be available to existing locals.
If you want to continue this discussion, I can find out exact statistics.

The people who are supportive of the Democratic party’s policies are people who haven’t ever had to look for work in order to survive

5 years ago
Reply to  Jonny Boy

What is the problem with immigrants legally becoming locals?

Jonny Boy
5 years ago
Reply to  Jaekelopterus

Would you actually like me to take the time to explain that to you?

Or will you just blow it off as being right wing rhetoric?

I have never voted for a republican in all my years as a voter.
Hillary hit the nail on the head when she called certain people ‘deplorable’.
The problem is that Democrats are deplorable too.

Something that I see is that many voters vote Democrat, just because they can’t stand the policies and the rhetoric of the Republicans… Neither can I

The Democrats have made getting elected a higher priority than creating a viable society for citizens.
For that reason I no longer support them.

The problem with immigrants moving into our community is that there are crews of non-english-speaking people who make it difficult if not impossible for local people who only speak 1 language to work on that crew.
When that is combined with already rising unemployment due to loss of local industries it means that there are even more unemployed people.
The price that our communities pay for this is lower life quality and increase in crime.

Some people apparently don’t notice the effect because they’re insulated from that reality by having a fat wallet, full of their parent’s money.
But others of us have to compete. And it has become very obvious that the community is not benefiting from importing people to work here.

5 years ago

Maybe they should consider using an acre of government owned land at the edge of every town for free housing to get people off the street and creating fulfilling life long living wage jobs to those that want to work to help increase the middle class.

Historically, there was some type of YMCA or ywca in most towns, what ever happened to those?

Jesus, Chris
Jesus, Chris
5 years ago

It is interesting that the whack-o’s of Humboldt degenerate the video of persons living in vehicles while attending College in a town with no housing, and, at a University Campus where no housing was provided for the thousands of students over-enrolled into the system, which wants to ensure adequate enrollment in the second semester, after the lame drop out…

A discussion of Immigrant Labor and immigration policy was not warranted here, but, based upon my knowledge of the characters who customarily comment here, it’s not too surprising that they are squabbling, and off the subject, again…

It is shameful that the CSU system is not equipped to handle housing it’s own students, but, even at UC Davis in the 1970’s, there were persons living in cars, outside the dorms, near the gym, etc. This is not a new phenomenon, and, I knew of at least one guy who had full financial aid, including housing, but chose to live at home in Sacramento, bought a new VW, and commuted, and also crashed just about wherever he could and whenever he could!

Fantastic things get done in the name of public education, and I applaud anyone with a scheme to get their degree with a minimum of expense!

I believe it was me who suggested that students should “steal” their education, whenever possible, in order to avoid going in debt, and I would like to hear the modern approach whenever possible, as I guarante, not much has changed in 45 years!

Good for these two students, for getting what they need, and I hope the 4 million people who saw this video have learned something!

5 years ago

I stead of answering Trevor the nutjob with hundreds of identities here go to LoCo Repups! and flood the site because the moderator Connie will not have you blocked like she does me.

5 years ago

He never uses his real name but I would be amused by Connie having to spend time blocking a whole new group of people.

5 years ago
Reply to  Silverlining

I get a lot of grief but here I am your favorite dude. If you made it through all these comments congratulation. Seems like we’re going to get the same old clowns to vote for. The political disease goes on. I see why the yellow vast movement is so popular in France. Paid for politicians here in the United States. And they don’t give a fuc about the people. Now what more oil company bullshit and war machine fuck[edit]. Stop the bleeding before it’s too late.