UC Davis Professor Marc Schenker to Give Presentation at HSU About ‘Workplace Safety in the Cannabis Industry’

This is a press release from the Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research:

Workplace Safety in the Cannabis Industry the Subject of Upcoming Presentation

As January 1 legalization of cannabis nears, many questions remain about the future of California’s recreational cannabis industry.

As part of ongoing research into the industry, The Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research (HIIMR) has invited a prominent occupational health researcher to speak at HSU on November 30, 2017.

Marc Schenker, Professor Emeritus of Public Health Sciences and Medicine at the UC Davis School of Medicine, has been studying the working conditions for cannabis employees, and will share what his research has revealed.

He will discuss the state of knowledge about health hazards found in outdoor and indoor cannabis facilities.

Schenker argues there is an urgent need for health and safety guidelines for workers as legalization approaches and the industry grows. Cannabis is the most valuable agricultural commodity in California and it’s estimated there are over 100,000 workers in the industry. Evidence from other states suggests major health risks include respiratory, chemical and musculo-skeletal exposures, along with fire, explosion and electrical hazards.

HIIMR co-Director and Sociology Professor Josh Meisel says Schenker’s presentation is just the beginning of what he hopes will be continued collaborative study of the cannabis industry with UC Davis. “We are excited about identifying how HIIMR can partner with UC Davis in examining worker health and well-being in this evolving industry.”

Schenker will speak on November 30, 2018 from 6-8 p.m. in the Goodwin Forum, Nelson Hall East 102.

About Schenker:

Marc Schenker is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Public Health Sciences and Medicine at the UC Davis School of Medicine. He has over 30 years of experience in medicine and public health research, teaching and public service. Schenker is the founding director of the Davis Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety, and the Migration and Health Research Center. His specialty is occupational and environmental disease, with a focus on respiratory and reproductive health. He also conducts epidemiologic research and public policy advocacy on the health of global migrant populations with a particular focus on farmworkers and occupational disease. He has published over 200 scientific manuscripts and six textbooks and has received numerous awards for his work.

About HIIMR:

Formed in 2012, The Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research is the first academic research institute devoted to cannabis research. It is a research and analysis organization created to fill various information gaps about marijuana issues.

The Institute is a local, regional, state and national resource. It conducts, analyzes and disseminates research and provides expertise to policy makers, health care and medical professionals, businesses and the media, among others. An information clearinghouse, the Institute promotes rigorous and scholarly scientific study of marijuana issues.

The Institute’s purpose is analysis, not advocacy. It takes no position, for example, on legalization or decriminalization. Likewise, it offers no classes or training programs. Humboldt State University is a logical home for the Institute because of its interdisciplinary expertise in the environment and natural resources. The marijuana industry has a major impact in these areas, as well as on the region’s economy and social fabric. As laws about and perceptions of marijuana issues evolve, the Institute will share information, contribute research to public policy debates and help broaden community and national understanding.

For more information, visit HIIMR’s website. [http://www2.humboldt.edu/hiimr/]


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16 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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6 years ago

Hilarious. Conditions will only get worse as cannabis farmers adopted the practice of hiring illegal immigrants.

6 years ago
Reply to  hmm

Smells like unionists too me

6 years ago

When i saw the headline and his photo, I had a little chuckle, but what he mentions is accurate. With the increase in volume, our lungs get too many chrystals, our wrists, hands and backs are racked. The russet mites have us spraying toxins every three days. not to mention the explosive nature of extraction.
But my favorite line is “the most valuable agricultural commodity in California…” Boom!! And attention Estelle fennel, Hezekiah Allen et al….what can you do to keep that economy in the hands of the people and not the corporatocracy!?? Please and thank you.
It’s still funny to hear it put in these terms that don’t relate to our culture. Him giving this talk in this way, is not to us, for us or about us. It’s completely premised on the corporatocracy.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ernestine

Broad/russet mites can be controlled/eradicated w/o chemicals.

Lost Croat Outburst
Lost Croat Outburst
6 years ago
Reply to  Ernestine

Try growing outdoors. You’ll only get one or two crops annually and you will lose the greenhouse/indoor weather control, but you will greatly reduce insect pests and diseases which thrive in the controlled environment indoors. Massive reduction in electrical costs for you and reduction in environmental damage producing all that electricity. AND straight, full sun is truly natural and powerful. No more worrying about lower branches being too far from your expensive lights. Hah!

BTW, the tests and rules for conventional pesticides and fertilizers as well as organic are already established. Any chemicals or organic nutes approved for corn, tomatoes, or any comestibles should be fine for cannabis. Same goes for water permitting. Don’t we have standards for farmers supplying our farmers’ markets? Same goes for cannabis.

All this jumpin’ up and down over a wonderful plant that wants good dirt, good fencing, plenty of sun and less water than tomatoes or corn.

6 years ago

“BTW, the tests and rules for conventional pesticides and fertilizers as well as organic are already established. Any chemicals or organic nutes approved for corn, tomatoes, or any comestibles should be fine for cannabis. Same goes for water permitting. Don’t we have standards for farmers supplying our farmers’ markets? Same goes for cannabis.”

You must of missed it back when Eagle20 and other myclobutanils were found to create arsenic when combusted. So no, not all pesticides for corn, tomatoes, or any comestibles can be used on cannabis. But you’re on the right track, there should be equitable regulation.

(Not that) Guest
(Not that) Guest
6 years ago
Reply to  HumBiologist

There are literally zero chemical pesticides/fungicides approved for mj and soon all labels will actually have to have directions specific to mj to be approved. The guys at the county AG department can help if you’re not clear. People, biological controls are where it’s at, get educated and keep a clean house, and anything can be controlled. You might as well go for organic certification because the practices approved are all organic methods.

Lost Croat Outburst
Lost Croat Outburst
6 years ago
Reply to  Ernestine

You won’t entirely prevent corporate involvement. The alcohol model may apply. Alcohol beverage industry is huge and world-wide. Yet most jurisdictions permit personal alcohol production for home use. Craft breweries are almost everywhere and sometimes go national or international. Plenty of choices.

If you don’t like corporations, grow your own. Everything you need for a backyard, greenhouse or professionally installed, legal grow closet has already been tested. Being able to escape criminal charges is HUGE and overlooked by those who never have been arrested. There will be room for small, boutique, artisanal, estate-grown, expensive, buds like there is a niche market for high-end, hand-made vodka.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Um it’s legal to buy recreational from a legal dispensary. Thanks for “legalization “,you can’t grow it yourself. That would be against the law! (Without a permit)

Anon Forrest
6 years ago

Uh oh. Here comes Cal-Osha!

County grown
County grown
6 years ago
Reply to  Anon Forrest


I just also have to mention the quote about being the biggest commodity stood out the most to me as well

6 years ago

Speaking of safety, don’t forget the bullet proof vests.

6 years ago

Hes not proposing to do this shit sober is he?
Any farmer can attest that farmin not high is boring as shit

Wake n bake
Wake n bake
6 years ago
Reply to  HighFarmin

Haha tru/\

Too late for my oldass
Too late for my oldass
6 years ago

For real …Both elbows shot. I see lots of old timers with bad wrists

When you are young u think you will never break . 🙁

For all u youngsters remember for good thumb /hand/wrist/and elbow health: Think: “palms up, thumbs up, elbows in and slightly bent” whenever lifting or engaged in repetitive stress activity..