Sheriff Tom Allman Comments on KMUD's "Traffic Reports"

KMUD, our local radio station recently had a conversation with Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman. Allman is concerned about the station’s policy of publishing the directions official vehicles are proceeding when engaged in raids.  The California Report picked up this conversation and reported on it a few days ago. KMUD explained to The California Report, a weekly radio magazine,  that

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Wildfire Update: July 11

Natural Suncatcher A teasel makes a beautiful cage for this morning’s smoky sun. The Fires are still with us but the firefighters are managing to bring them under control. Evacuation warnings have been lifted for the Cummings and the Leggett area today, July 11. The Paradise fire here in Humboldt is 85% contained. Thank you, firefighters! Today, Governor Schwarzenegger ordered

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Wildlife and Wildfires:Will the Lightning Fires of 2008 have Long Term Consequences?

Photo taken near Salmon Creek Schoolhouse Do wildfires still burning throughout California pose a serious threat to the animals that live in those lands? The image of a frightened Bambi racing through flaming forestlands has been seared into our hearts as children. Smoky the Bear comic books handed out by forest rangers in classrooms across the nation have just added

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Lightning Fires-Mendocino/Humboldt Update June 30, 2008

Smoke and Grass–Humboldt is famous for the two The Lightning Fires currently raging throughout Mendocino are now getting better coverage. There are several good maps and CalFire is providing frequent and informative updates. However, in spite of the weather cooperating, the remaining 54 active fires are increasing in size. At this time though, there are no mandatory evacuations just precautionary

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Worker on the Confusion Hill Bypass Severely Injured Today

Pier Two of the Confusion Hill Bypass Today, a temporary structure on the third pier at Confusion Hill collapsed. The employee of MCM Construction, Inc. dropped 30 feet onto a lower deck below. He suffered terrible injuries and had to be taken by helicopter to receive medical attention. The accident happened midday during building of the new multi-million dollar complex

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