Another East Coast Rant About the Scary Hippies in Humboldt

The NY Times has a somewhat hysterical “tourist” piece on Humboldt. Apparently the author imbibed. Here’s a couple representative quotes, The sights of Humboldt County, Calif., can be hard for the rational mind to reconcile. Its hysterical shifts in landscape and weather conspire to make you feel, in the most pleasurable way possible, that you are going out of your

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How to Peddle Pot

As we face the possibility of cannabis legalization in California, growers worry about how to sell their product in the changing markets.  In Humboldt and Mendocino counties, marijuana producers are holding meetings and forming collectives to help them sell now, influence legislation, and grapple with issues that legalization might bring.  Some news outlets are following closely this area’s struggle.  CNN

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Bravo! Humboldt County Tourism Site is Promoting Humboldt's Marijuana Premiership to the Cannatourist

Because marijuana is still illegal in most aspects, using Humboldt’s premier status in the field to advertise to the cannatourist is difficult to say the least.  But it isn’t impossible., an unofficial tourist information site for our area, has a discreet example of how to appeal to the marijuana tourist as well as to the ecotourism movement as a

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Toking Tourists and a Marijuana Museum Here in Humboldt

Bud with Grape Leaf Frequent Photo “You can hang a grow light in a SoCali basement as easily as in a Humboldt grow house, but you can’t replicate a redwood forest terroir in a concrete jungle.” HighlikeMe The excerpt above comes from an excellent post by the new Humboldt blogger Highlikeme.  In it s/he makes the argument that if Humboldt

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Will Napa Valley be just a side trip on the way to the Emerald Triangle?

Bright Spot Frequent Photo Could the Emerald Triangle’s Marijuana business overshadow Napa Valley as one of the foremost tourist venues in California?  An article in the Daily Caller (a Conservative news site), cites Aaron Smith, head of the Marijuana Policy Project based out of Washington, DC, ““[Legalization] will launch the birth of legal multi-billion dollar industry, that some think could

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